Meeting documents

Tonbridge Forum
Monday, 25th November, 2013 7.30 pm

TF 13/017 Minutes
  • Minutes
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 3 June 2013 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
TF 13/018 Update on any action identified in the last Minutes.
No actions were indentified. However, with reference to Minute TF 13/015 Tonbridge Rotary Club advised that the Christmas Festival would be held on 24 November in Tonbridge High Street. The event would start with the turning on of the Christmas lights and end with a firework display.
TF 13/019 Kent County Council Services Update
County Councillors Long and Smith gave a brief update on the financial pressures faced by Kent County Council and advised that an overall savings target of £600m had been identified. The significant challenge in addressing the budget position was recognised. However, the County Council would take the opportunity to review services to see if smarter ways of working could improve efficiency and savings.

Particular reference was made to the Kent County Council Member Grant Fund, which could be used for local community projects. Members were encouraged to bid for grant funding as there was still money available for 2013/14. The deadline for applications was Monday 28 October 2013 and enquiries should be directed via the Kent County Council Community Engagement Manager (James Harman).

In response to a question from the Society of Friends, Members were reminded that the consultation on the Tonbridge and Malling Cycling Strategy had ended in June. Feedback from the public consultation would be reflected in the final version of the Strategy, which would be presented to the Joint Transportation Board on 23 September 2013.

County Councillor Smith offered to follow up an enquiry regarding the cycle path in Brook Street, up to Haysden Park, with Kent Highway Services out of the meeting.

TF 13/020 Town Team Initiatives
Katie Iggulden and Howard Porter of the Tonbridge Town Team thanked everyone who had contributed and participated in the Tonbridge Taster Day on 23 June. The event had been very successful and attracted 20,000 visitors to the town. Many organisations which had taken part had managed to attract many new members as a result.

In addition, a proposal to launch a loyalty card scheme in Tonbridge to promote shopping and build support for local retailers and businesses within the area was outlined.

The scheme would be launched on 1 October 2013 and currently 42 stores had enrolled to participate. Customers would be given cards which would be stamped for purchases over ten pounds. Once six stamps been collected the card was entered into a monthly prize draw.

It was reported that this was an exciting opportunity creating a sense of community and a Tonbridge brand.
TF 13/021 Regeneration of Tonbridge Town Centre Update
The Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health reminded Members of the regeneration and redevelopment proposals intended to revitalise the centre of Tonbridge.

It was reported that the Borough Council had reached an agreement with Sainsbury that would govern the property and financial aspects of the new scheme and that the design for the new leisure and community centre, on the Bradford Street Car Park, had been agreed in principle for the purposes of the forthcoming public exhibitions. It was emphasised that the new building would be fit for purpose, deliver excellent facilities and improve links to the High Street for the benefit of Tonbridge.

Members were assured that robust user testing had been undertaken to reach the proposals.

Residents were offered the opportunity to look at the proposed design of the leisure and community facilities in more detail at a public exhibition to be held on 11 and 12 October. The Sainsbury scheme proposals would also be subject to a public exhibition on the same dates. Any comments received would be considered before a formal submission of the planning application was made. In response to a question from the floor, it was confirmed that exhibition documents and materials would be available on line.

Members were advised that a planning application was likely to be submitted in November or December and this would also be subject to the normal public consultation process undertaken during the planning process, with the scheme possibly commencing during the summer 2014.

Venues and timings for the public exhibition were to be confirmed and details would be published on the website and other places. Members of the Forum would be contacted with more details when available.

Tonbridge Civic Society referred to the remodelling of the Memorial Gardens and the joint working between the Borough Council and the Royal British Legion. It was hoped that the project would be completed by summer 2014 and in time to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of World War I.

The Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health advised that the landscape architect working on the Memorial Garden was also involved in the Bradford Street development to create a seamless and coordinated design between the two projects.

The representative from Age UK expressed their appreciation to the Borough Council for the way the organisation's interests had been considered.

A question was posed about the potential for increased traffic into the town centre. Members were reassured that a full traffic assessment would be undertaken to accompany the Sainsburys planning application. The Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health advised that effective management of the traffic network was needed but reminded the Forum that there was a necessity to work within the existing infrastructure.

TF 13/022 National Older People's Day
The Vice Chairman and Treasurer advised that the Tonbridge and Malling Seniors Forum (TAMS) had been set up to promote the needs of older people in Tonbridge and Malling and was organised by a group of local volunteers. Meetings were held in the Age UK premises in Tonbridge and involved residents from the surrounding villages.

To celebrate National Older People's Day TAMS had organised a 'Full of Life' event offering information and advice on health, benefits, housing and local clubs and societies. This was a free event for the over 50s and would include a free light lunch and refreshments.

The event would be held at the Angel Centre on 1 October between 11am - 2 pm.

Finally, it was reported that the Methodist Church was offering a smaller event on the same day.
TF 13/023 Kent Police Update
Inspector Phillips set out the difficult financial position faced by Kent Police and the challenge in identifying savings and maintaining services. However, he was pleased to report that front line services within Tonbridge and Malling remained stable and that Kent Police were now recruiting front line officers.

It was reported that as part of cost cutting measures smaller police stations had closed and Kent Police were now co-located at the Borough Council offices in Kings Hill.

Members were pleased to note a reduction in property and criminal damage related crimes in Tonbridge and Malling. Locally violent crime had risen but this was more to do with the way crime was recorded rather than an increase in incidents.

There had been considerable success in tackling drug dealing, which was a primary driver of anti-social behaviour, nuisance and criminal damage. Proactively targeting this area was a good use of police resource and helped to address crime figures.

At the request of Members, Inspector Phillips gave a brief explanation of distraction crime and outlined the risks to residents, the tactics used and the probable incentives to criminals.

Finally, the contribution of Kent Police to the e-watch website was greatly appreciated by Members.
TF 13/024 Outdoor Leisure Activities
The Head of Leisure Services provided an update on a number of outdoor leisure activities in Tonbridge. He reminded Members of the financial challenges faced by the Borough Council and that as a result delivery and management of services were constantly under review. External sources of funding to reduce the burden on the taxpayer were always actively explored for any new project, with the primary source being developer contributions.

- Tonbridge Racecourse Sportsground:

Recent improvements included a skate park, a ball court, an outdoor gym and floodlighting. These had been possible due to a developer contributor of £100k and working in partnership with the Local Strategic Partnership and a Biffa award. It was hoped that enhanced refreshment and toilet facilities could be provided at the games kiosk in a second phase of improvements if funding opportunities could be secured.

Members were advised of a new Park Run initiative which promoted healthy living. A 5k run would be held free of charge every Saturday morning, run by volunteers and Kent County Council Member Grant funding had contributed to the set up costs.

Other works to take place at the Racecourse Sportsground in the near future included the Environment Agency undertaking work on Bewley's Weir and new trial bore holes being installed by South East Water. Both organisations had been liaising with the Borough Council to minimise impact on users and residents.

- Tonbridge Memorial Gardens:

Members were reminded that a Memorial Garden Trust had been established to work on improvements. A design had been agreed in principle, subject to any amendments. It was anticipated that works would be completed before the 100 year anniversary of the start of World War I, with a formal opening hoped for in September 2014.

Other projects delivered via external funding sources included enhancements to the playing fields at Scotchers Field, refurbishments at Woodland Walk and Frog bridge; renewed path at Tonbridge Cemetery together with arrangements for new vaults. Finally, St Philips Church was leading on a project to provide community gardens and a toddler area.

In response to a question from the floor, Members were assured that careful consideration was given to biodiversity with the Kent Wildlife Trust consulted as required.

It was acknowledged that there was a no cycling police in place at Tonbridge Racecourse Sportsground though a sensible and pragmatic appraoch was taken to enforcement.
TF 13/025 Tonbridge District Scouts Announcement
Tonbridge District Scouts advised that structural works on the scout hall were complete and the building was now stable. The organisation thanked the Borough and County Councils for the financial assistance to enable the work to be done and the Environment Agency for allowing access to the site.

The Forum was pleased to note that a community facility had been saved, not only for the scouts but for the numerous users of the hall.
The meeting ended at 21.11 hours

Attendance Details

Cllr O C Baldock (Chairman), Cllr N J Heslop (Vice-Chairman), Cllr A W Allison, Cllr Mrs J A Anderson, Cllr Ms J A Atkinson, Cllr P F Bolt, Cllr Ms V M C Branson and Cllr Ms S V Spence.

Councillors Mrs Murray and Rhodes were also in attendance pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 15.21

Members of the Forum: Kent County Councillors Long and Smith, Age UK, Kent Police, Society of Friends, St John Ambulance, Tonbridge Art Group, Tonbridge Area Churches Together, Tonbridge Civic Society, Tonbridge District Scout Council; Tonbridge Historical Society, Tonbridge Lions Club, Tonbridge Music Club, Tonbridge Rotary Club, Tonbridge Theatre and Arts Club, University of the Third Age and the Women's Institute.

Other organisations present: Tonbridge Town Team and Tonbridge and Malling Senior Forum