Decision details

Applications for Discretionary Rate Relief

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance, Innovation and Property

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


(Report of Director of Finance and Transformation)


The report gave details of new applications for discretionary rate relief which were considered in accordance with the previously agreed criteria for determining such applications.


Following consideration by the Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Finance, Innovation and Property resolved that:


The new applications for discretionary rate relief be determined as follows:

(1)            1st Ditton Scout Group, R/O 18 New Road, Ditton – 20% discretionary rate relief be awarded, back dated to 1 April 2017 and time limited to 31 March 2019;

(2)            Carers First, 146A High Street, Tonbridge – 20% discretionary rate relief be awarded, backdated to 13 May 2017 and time limited to 31 March 2019; and

(3)            St Benedict’s Centre, 52 Swan Street, West Malling – no discretionary rate relief be granted.

Publication date: 05/01/2018

Date of decision: 03/01/2018

Decided at meeting: 03/01/2018 - Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board

Effective from: 13/01/2018

Accompanying Documents: