Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
(Report of Director of Central Services and Monitoring Officer)
The report provided an update on the current consultation process relating to the Lower Thames Crossing and Gatwick Airport and highlighted issues for inclusion in the respective responses.
Qualified support was expressed for the Lower Thames Crossing proposals although it was agreed to reiterate concerns regarding the implications for the A228 and A229 and the need for improvements to these routes to be prioritised to meet growing demand.
In respect of the Gatwick Airport consultation, there were significant concerns about any intensification of air traffic over West Kent, including night flights, the management of noise impacts and surface transport connectivity. Regarding the latter, emphasis was placed on continuing to lobby for a direct rail service between Gatwick and Tonbridge via Redhill.
Following consideration by the Planning and Transportation Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure resolved that:
(1) the content of the report be noted;
(2) the issues raised in response to the Lower Thames Crossing consultation be approved for submission to Highways England; and
(3) the issues raised in response to the Gatwick Master Plan consultation be approved for submission to Gatwick Airport Limited.
Publication date: 16/11/2018
Date of decision: 13/11/2018
Decided at meeting: 13/11/2018 - Planning and Transportation Advisory Board
Effective from: 24/11/2018
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