Decision details

Economic Regeneration Strategy

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


(Report of Chief Executive)


The report outlined proposals for a revision of the Borough’s current Economic Regeneration Strategy to ensure it was fit for purpose in supporting the local economic recovery following the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.  Attention was drawn to the strategic link with the Kent Economic Renewal and Resilience Plan which sets out county-wide actions to support economic revival and identifies three key principles of ‘Cleaner and Greener’, ‘Productive and Open’ and ‘Better Opportunities, Fairer Chances’. 


It was anticipated that the consultation with key economic partners would be undertaken over a four week period (10 September to 8 October) and a report on the adoption of a Borough Economic Recovery Strategy submitted to the next meeting of the Advisory Board.


Following consideration by the Economic Regeneration Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration resolved that:


(1)          the following be included in the consultation on the draft Borough Economic Recovery Strategy (as set out at section 1.3 of the report):


-       the economic vision, as set out in the Cabinet report of 3 June 2020 regarding the Corporate Strategy First Year Addendum, be used for the purposes of the Economic Recovery Strategy;


-       the adoption of the five channels and three key principles identified in the Kent Economic Renewal and Resilience Plan;


-       a shorter timescale (2021-2023) than that previously used for the Economic Regeneration Strategy; and


-       the measures set out in Appendix 1 relating to the Action Plan – Priority Actions.


(2)          the framework for the consultation on the draft strategy, as detailed in paragraph 1.4 of the report, be approved. 

Publication date: 04/09/2020

Date of decision: 02/09/2020

Decided at meeting: 02/09/2020 - Economic Regeneration Advisory Board

Effective from: 12/09/2020

Accompanying Documents: