Decision details

Risk Management

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Consideration was given to recommendation AU 24/28 of the Audit Committee of 22 July 2024 in respect of risk management process and the Strategic Risk Register (SRR).


Cabinet had due regard to the views of the Committee, the financial and value for money considerations and the legal implications and noted that, as recommended by the consultant, following a review undertaken by the Management Team of all the risks contained within the SRR, a number of changes had been made to the current Register, including the deletion of some risks that were no longer felt to be strategic risks and the titles of some of the risks.  The number of ‘red’ risks on the SRR remained to be 4 as set out below:


·         Achievement of Savings and Transformation Strategy

·         Failure to agree a Local Plan

·         Implementation of the Agile software system

·         Contract/Contractor Procurement




(1)          the review undertaken by Management Team in streamlining the Strategic Risk Register, be noted; and


(2)          the updates to the Strategic Risk Register since the last iteration with particular emphasis on those risks categorised as ‘RED’, be noted.

Publication date: 05/09/2024

Date of decision: 03/09/2024

Decided at meeting: 03/09/2024 - Cabinet

Effective from: 13/09/2024

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