Decision details

Review of Car Parking Fees and Charges

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


(Item PE 16/3 referred from Planning and Transformation Advisory Board minutes of 12 January 2016)


Consideration of recommendations to the Cabinet from the Planning and Transformation Advisory Board of 12 January 2016.


The Cabinet resolved that:


The recommendations of the Planning and Transportation Advisory Board be approved as follows:


The following proposals be approved with effect from 1 April 2016:


(1)         the schedule of charges for short and long stay parking in Tonbridge shown in Table 1 to the report be introduced;


(2)         the schedule of charges for parking in Lower Castle Fields car park shown in Table 2 be introduced;


(3)         the schedules of Peak and Off-Peak Season ticket charges in Tonbridge shown in Tables 3 and 4 be adopted;


(4)         the schedule of charges for long stay parking in West Malling be introduced but consideration of the schedule of charges for short stay parking be deferred pending discussion by the Council of the petition received;


(5)         the schedule of charges for Blue Bell Hill car park shown in Table 7 be introduced, subject to reviewing levels of charging increase within the context of extending the charging period to include a charge for Saturday;


(6)         the schedule of charges for parking in Borough Green Western Road car park shown in Table 8 be introduced, subject to the introduction of a 30 minute tariff at 10p, 20p for 1 hour and 40p for 2 hours;


(7)         Residents permits be increased to £40 applied across the whole Borough and Officers investigate further options for the introduction of tiered pricing structure for parking permits for more than one vehicle per residential household;


(8)         the schedule of charges for business permits and dispensation shown in Table 9 be introduced, subject to clarification over the dispensation period and definition of the dispensations;


(9)         visitor permits be increased to £12 for a book of 10 permits;


(10)     the schedule of charges for Haysden and Leybourne Lakes country parks shown in Table 10 be introduced;


(11)     the schedule of charges for on-street pay & display parking in Tonbridge be introduced but amended to be consistent with the proposed short stay charges in Table 1 for periods of up to 3 hours; and


(12)     separate reviews be brought forward on Evening and Sunday charging, on existing car parking concessions and those car parks not addressed within the report.

Publication date: 12/02/2016

Date of decision: 11/02/2016

Decided at meeting: 11/02/2016 - Cabinet

Effective from: 20/02/2016

Accompanying Documents: