Decision details

Built Environment and Public Protection Software System

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


(Reasons: Part 2 – Private: LGA 1972 Sch 12A Paragraph 3 – Financial or business affairs of any particular person)


(Decision Notice: D250021CAB)


The report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health,

Director of Finance and Transformation and the Cabinet Member for Finance and Housing provided an update on the strategic and operational issues related to the implementation of the Agile software and set out proposals for addressing the further delays and growing concerns with the project.


After careful consideration of the detailed risk assessment and analysis of a number of options set out in the report, the financial and value for money considerations and the legal implications, Cabinet supported the proposals presented.


Cabinet and the Chief Executive recorded appreciation to the Business Change Project Manager and the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health for their significant effort in addressing problems, supporting staff and managing the project.  The significant contribution of all staff involved in the implementation project was also recognised and their views had been taken into consideration.


Finally, Cabinet welcomed the commissioning of a further independent review which would be delivered by the Borough Council’s audit function at Kent County Council.  This would engage with all project stakeholders, consider lessons learnt and key outcomes and provide a detailed report to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Cllr Tanner proposed,  Cllr Coffin seconded and Cabinet




(1)             the detailed assessment of the financial, technical, operational and strategic issues associated with the implementation of an updated software system for the Built Environment and Public Protection teams be noted;


(2)             authority be delegated to the Director of Finance and Transformation, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Housing, to manage the contractual changes agreed and as summarised in the report;


(3)             authority be delegated to the Director of Finance and Transformation, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Housing and the Management Team, to manage the future delivery of a Built Environment and Public Protection software system to best deliver services to residents and customers as detailed in the report;


(4)             other contractual, procurement and funding matters be agreed as detailed in the report; and


(5)             it be noted that an independent review of the Agile project had been commissioned through the Kent County Council Internal Audit team and that the results of this review would be reported to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee with any recommendations being considered by Cabinet.


Report author: Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health

Publication date: 06/03/2025

Date of decision: 04/03/2025

Decided at meeting: 04/03/2025 - Cabinet

Effective from: 14/03/2025

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