Issue - meetings

Waste Services Contract Re-tender

Meeting: 20/03/2018 - Cabinet (Item 26)

26 Waste Services Contract Re-tender pdf icon PDF 48 KB

Item SSE 18/3 referred from Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board minutes of 13 February 2018

Additional documents:


(Item SSE 18/3 referred from Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board minutes of 13 February 2018)


Consideration of recommendations to the Cabinet from the Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board of 13 February 2018.


The Cabinet resolved that:


The recommendations of the Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board be approved as follows:


(1)                 the withdrawal of Dartford Borough Council from the Waste Contract Partnership be noted and the resultant project timescale approved;


(2)                 subject to Member comment on the draft Equality Impact Assessment, a final Equality Impact Assessment be presented to the next meeting of the Advisory Board for consideration;


(3)                 the modification to the length of the contract outlined in the report be noted; and


(4)                 the approach to resident communication and the development of a marketing plan in liaison with the Council Members be agreed.


Decision Notice D180023CAB

Meeting: 13/02/2018 - Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board (Item 3)

3 Waste Services Contract Re-tender pdf icon PDF 84 KB

This report provides an update on key issues associated with the procurement process and partnership arrangements for the new waste services contract and set out a revised project timetable.

Additional documents:


The report of the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services provided an update on the key issues associated with the procurement process and partnership arrangements for the new waste services contract.


Since the last meeting of the Advisory Board, Tunbridge Wells Borough Council had formally approved the principles of adopting the collection methods outlined in paragraph 1.1.2 of the report.  Unfortunately, Dartford Borough Council had decided to review their current service provision and had withdrawn from the joint procurement and partnership arrangement. 


Key project milestones detailed in Annex 1 to the report and summarised in paragraph 1.3.2 were noted by Members and included the closing date for tender submissions (30 April) and the conclusion of the tender evaluation period (10 June). The changes to the original timetable were as a result of the withdrawal of Dartford Borough Council and the necessity to further revise the contract specification and conditions. 


Particular reference was made to proposed changes to the length of contract and it was reported that a period of eight years plus a two year or eight year extension, with a potential for a further two year extension if an initial eight year extension was agreed, would be offered to contractors.  It was anticipated that these options for extension would offer greater flexibility in terms of aligning contracts, taking advantage of future opportunities, disposal facility options and legislative changes.


Finally, reference was made to communication with residents and the intention was to develop a detailed marketing plan which would include traditional and newer forms of reaching the public.   In recognition of Members requests for an effective communication strategy and the need for a proactive approach to marketing the new service an informal Member Liaison Group had been established to discuss the issue.  It was noted that Councillor Robin Betts and Councillor Mark Davis were also members of this Liaison Group although their names had been omitted from the membership set out in the report. 


In response to a question regarding the continuation of the bulky waste collection service, Members were advised that this element was included in the tender specification and that a final decision would be made as part of the tender evaluation process.  The positive feedback from residents regarding the bulky waste collection service and its potential contribution towards reducing fly tipping was noted.


Members also referred to the potential to reduce the number of waste vehicles due to the proposed changes for recycling and refuse collection, which included weekly food waste collection, fortnightly collection of residual waste and alternate fortnightly collection of plastics, metals, cartons and glass (mixed dry recyclate).  However, Officers advised that it was up to the contractor to decide how waste was collected and how many vehicles were used.




(1)     the withdrawal of Dartford Borough Council from the Waste Contract Partnership be noted and the resultant project timescale approved;


(2)     subject to Member comment on the draft Equality Impact Assessment, a final Equality Impact Assessment be presented to the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3