Issue - meetings

Local Plan

Meeting: 05/06/2018 - Planning and Transportation Advisory Board (Item 8)

8 Local Plan pdf icon PDF 80 KB

The report introduces a draft Local Plan document for consideration including a refined development strategy, policies and proposals for the purposes of carrying out a public consultation, as required by Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning Regulations 2012, later this year.


In addition, the report provides an update in respect of Local Plan evidence and other relevant matters relating to its preparation, such as meeting the requirements of the Duty to Cooperate.

Additional documents:


The report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health provided an update on the preparation of the Local Plan and presented a draft document and refined development strategy, policies and proposals for consideration. 


In addition, the report provided an update in respect of Local Plan evidence and other relevant matters related to its preparation, such as meeting the requirements of the Duty to Cooperate. 


Given the timescales involved further work on completing and updating evidence was inevitable as the process progressed and Members would have another opportunity to consider the drafts at the next meeting of the Advisory Board in July. Public consultation, as required by Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning Regulations 2012, would be carried out later this year.


Key elements of the refined development strategy (attached as Annex 2 to the report) and any changes from the strategy previously proposed were summarised.  It was noted that policies in the Local Plan document itself outlined the key development requirements associated with each major site, including the need for significant infrastructure.


Failure to submit a Local Plan within the transitional period set out by the Government in the new draft National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) would result in significant risks associated with having to address a substantially higher provision.  It would also cause significant further delays, which would place the Borough Council in a more vulnerable position in terms of land supply in responding to planning applications and facing planning appeals.


Members participated in detailed discussions on a number of issues with particular reference made to the major sites at Bushey Wood, South Aylesford, Kings Hill (Broadwater Farm), Borough Green and South West Tonbridge.  The main concerns raised by Members and that Officers were asked to revisit, included:


-          Infrastructure, with particular concern raised about congestion and traffic flows on roads and the effects on rural communities (particularly the A20, Hermitage Lane and Junction 4 of the M20);


-          Further investigation requested on the new A25 relief road within the proposed allocation at Borough Green (to ensure that this was completed at an early stage in the housing development) and the detailed route of the access road into Kings Hill (Broadwater Farm) and the sensitivity of the northern boundary;


-          Proportionate allocation of housing development across the borough as a whole;


-          The approach to contaminated land in respect of development;


-          The robustness of viability assessments;


-          Car parking and parking standards; and


-          Flood protection measures


A variety of other issues were raised by Members which were taken on board by officers and would be considered in reporting to the next meeting of the Advisory Board.  Similarly Members recognised that in respect of some issues, further consideration would be given at the next meeting on completion of the evidence base.




(1)     the content of the report be noted and reconsidered at the July meeting of the Advisory Board, subject to addressing the concerns raised by Members (summarised above); and


(2)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8