Issue - meetings

Provision of Public Conveniences

Meeting: 18/10/2018 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 32)

32 Provision of Public Conveniences pdf icon PDF 160 KB

The report presents the outcome of a review of the Council’s current provision of public conveniences.

Additional documents:


The Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services reported that a detailed audit of the Borough Council’s current provision of public conveniences had been undertaken.  Options considered as part of the review included location and size of facility, facilities provided, opening hours, assessment of current condition and whether there was alternative provision nearby.  Also considered were facility closure and retention and potential transfer to Parish/Town Councils.


Attention was drawn to a couple of corrected financial figures summarised below:


-        Annual operational cost set out in paragraph 1.1.3 was £135,000

-        Existing public convenience cleansing contract set out in paragraph 1.4.1 was valued at £77,500


The reporting error was as a result of misunderstanding around the budget expenditure codes.


Members were advised that a wide range of options were available which reflected that the existing service was of a discretionary nature.  A proposed way forward for each existing public convenience within the Borough was attached as Annex 4 to the report and set out identified need or where no suitable alternative facilities were available. In addition, a proposal related to the extension of the current public convenience cleansing contract for 1 year up until 28 February 2020 to enable adequate time to agree the way forward for each facility was reported.


Finally, the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services advised that the review had emphasised the value of and genuine need for public conveniences in local communities. 


Members recognised the sensible approach undertaken during the review, based on use, value and cost of the facilities; welcomed the proposals outlined in paragraph 1.5 of the report and felt that transferring costs to communities where possible was a pragmatic approach and supported the proposal to extend the public convenience cleansing contract to ensure that facilities were of a good quality in case of potential transfer of ownership.  However, it was commented that if the contract was extended consideration should be given to the frequency of cleansing and increased monitoring of the performance of the contractor.


In addition, Members supported the principle of funding some facilities in Tonbridge via Special Expenses on the grounds of fairness across the Borough, subject to further detail and financial modelling of all options and consideration by the Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board.




(1)             subject to agreement with the existing contractor, the existing public convenience cleansing contract be extended for 12 months in accordance with current contract conditions;


(2)             meetings be undertaken with individual Parish/Town Councils to agree the transfer of ownership of the Council’s public conveniences currently located in their area;


(3)             the existing provision of public conveniences at Leybourne Lakes Country Park, Haysden Country Park, Tonbridge Racecourse Sportsground and Tonbridge Cemetery be retained;


(4)             the existing Priory Road and Castle Grounds public conveniences in Tonbridge be retained;


(5)             the existing Angel Centre public toilets be closed with the public redirected to existing alternative provision;


(6)             further investigation be undertaken into the suitability of alternative toilets in the vicinity of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 32