15 Cherry Orchard/Brampton Field, Ditton PDF 107 KB
Item CB 19/8 referred from Cabinet minutes of 14 February 2019
Additional documents:
Item CB 19/8 referred from Cabinet minutes of 14 February 2019
RESOLVED: That the recommendations at Minute CB 19/8 be approved.
8 Cherry Orchard/Brampton Field, Ditton PDF 107 KB
Item SSE 18/20 referred from Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board minutes of 5 November 2018
Additional documents:
Item SSE 18/20 referred from Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board minutes of 5 November 2018
The Cabinet received the recommendations of the Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board at its meeting of 5 November 2018 regarding concerns about the condition and excessive height of a row of conifer trees on Council owned land between Cherry Orchard and Brampton Field, Ditton.
(1) the existing row of conifers on Council owned land between Cherry Orchard and Brampton Field be removed as soon as is practicable;
(2) suitable replacement trees be planted on the Council’s open space, in liaison with the local Members; and
(3) urgency proceedings be invoked to secure the required budget to progress the works, in accordance with Financial Rules 15.1 and 15.2, with reports from the Chief Executive submitted to future meetings of the Executive and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
*Referred to Council
20 Cherry Orchard/Brampton Field, Ditton PDF 292 KB
The report recommends the removal of a row of conifer trees on Council owned land between Cherry Orchard and the houses in Brampton Field, Ditton.
Additional documents:
The report of the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services set out details of an investigation undertaken following receipt of a letter from a resident raising concern about the condition and excessive height of a row of conifer trees on Council owned land between Cherry Orchard and houses in Brampton Field, Ditton.
The resident had requested that the trees be trimmed and topped and had sought guidance from the Government website in relation to the High Hedges Legislation. Members were advised that a petition had been received from residents of Cherry Orchard requesting that the trees not be removed.
The Advisory Board noted that advice had been sought from an external specialist tree contractor on the current condition and future management options for the trees who had advised that due to health and safety concerns, the trees should be felled, the stumps ground out and some replacement trees be planted on the public open space of a more suitable species and in a more appropriate location. The report set out details of the process for funding the removal of the trees as a matter of urgency.
(1) the existing row of conifers on Council owned land between Cherry Orchard and Brampton Field be removed as soon as is practicable;
(2) suitable replacement trees be planted on the Council’s open space, in liaison with the local Members; and
(3) urgency proceedings be invoked to secure the required budget to progress the works, in accordance with Financial Rules 15.1 and 15.2, with reports from the Chief Executive submitted to future meetings of the Executive and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
*Referred to Cabinet