Issue - meetings

Public Conveniences Review

Meeting: 11/02/2019 - Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board (Item 4)

4 Public Conveniences Review pdf icon PDF 154 KB

The report updates Members on the agreed way forward regarding the future provision of the Council’s existing public conveniences and seeks approval of an Equality Impact Assessment.

Additional documents:


(Report of Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services)


The report provided an update on the agreed way forward regarding the future provision of the Council’s existing public conveniences and sought approval of an Equality Impact Assessment.


Following consideration by the Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Street Scene and Environment Services resolved that:


(1)  the update on the way forward regarding the provision of public conveniences be noted and the Equality Impact Assessment, as attached at Annex 2 to the report, be approved; and


(2)  subject to the outcome of the recommendation at (1) above, the Special Expenses Policy be updated and submitted to Council for approval in readiness for implementation in the financial year 2020/21.



Decision Notice D190004MEM


The report of the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services provided an update on the agreed way forward regarding the future provision of the Council’s existing public conveniences and sought approval of an Equality Impact Assessment.




(1)          the update on the way forward regarding the provision of public conveniences be noted and the Equality Impact Assessment, as attached at Annex 2 to the report, be approved; and


(2)          subject to the outcome of the recommendation at (1) above, the Special Expenses Policy be updated and submitted to Council for approval in readiness for implementation in the financial year 2020/21.