Issue - meetings

Brexit Preparedness

Meeting: 19/02/2019 - Council (Item 14)

14 Brexit Preparedness pdf icon PDF 104 KB

Item CB 19/7 referred from Cabinet minutes of 14 February 2019

Additional documents:


Item CB 19/7 referred from Cabinet minutes of 14 February 2019


RESOLVED:  That the recommendations at Minute CB 19/7 be approved.

Meeting: 14/02/2019 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Brexit Preparedness pdf icon PDF 122 KB

Recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in respect of Brexit preparedness.


The Cabinet received the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee at its meeting of 22 January 2019 following consideration of a report on a range of initiatives being pursued to ensure that the Borough Council was prepared to maintain business continuity in response to the possible impact of Brexit.




(1)             the report be noted and further updates be provided as more information becomes available; and


(2)             the current urgency provisions in the Council’s Constitution and Policy Framework be extended to include “arrangements for decision making during a period of serious and/or unexpected disruption”.

*Referred to Council