Issue - meetings

Haysden Country Park - User Survey Results

Meeting: 26/02/2019 - Communities and Housing Advisory Board (Item 4)

4 Haysden Country Park - User Survey Results pdf icon PDF 168 KB

This report informs Members on the results of the 2018 casual user survey carried out at Haysden Country Park, and brings forward potential improvements for Member consideration.  The results show high levels of user satisfaction.



(Report of Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services)


The report gave details of the results of the 2018 casual user survey carried out at Haysden Country Park which showed high levels of user satisfaction.  Potential improvements were brought forward for consideration.


It was requested that thanks be conveyed to the rangers and volunteers.


Following consideration by the Communities and Housing Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Community Services resolved that:


(1)             the 2018 casual user market survey results for Haysden Country Park be noted; and


(2)             improvements be progressed in accordance with the approach outlined in the report and be included within the next Management Plan for the Park.



Decision Notice D190021MEM


The report of the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services gave details of the results of the 2018 casual user survey carried out at Haysden Country Park which showed high levels of user satisfaction.  Potential improvements were brought forward for consideration.


It was requested that thanks be conveyed to the rangers and volunteers.




(1)             the 2018 casual user market survey results for Haysden Country Park be noted; and


(2)             improvements be progressed in accordance with the approach outlined in the report and be included within the next Management Plan for the Park.