10 The Induction Process for New Members PDF 78 KB
Review of the process undertaken when newly elected Members are introduced to the Council following the Borough Council Election on 2 May 2019
Following a recent review of the Member Induction process, the report of the Chief Executive set out options for improvement for newly elected Members. It was proposed that the new measures be implemented from the Borough Council elections on 2 May 2019.
Members welcomed the introduction of a series of shorter induction meetings which would concentrate on the Constitution, the Code of Conduct, the Scheme of Allowances and practical issues around meeting protocols and use of emails.
A number of ideas were put forward for further consideration. These included the addition of maps of the Borough and locations of internal meeting rooms and a directory of how to respond to routine requests from residents, such as missed bins and graffiti, to be placed in the Welcome Pack given to new councillors at the count. Members also suggested that the programme be extended to include councillors elected as a result of a by-election.
Particular reference was made to the value of informal meetings between newly elected and experienced Members where general advice and guidance could be shared.
Finally, the Committee considered it beneficial for new Members to have a coach trip to strategic sites in the Borough and for a ‘buddy system’ to be adopted to offer informal advice on any issues or concerns during the first few months. It was also noted that Democratic (Committee) Services could support the ‘buddy system’ by signposting new Members to relevant service areas and offering general advice on issues related to meetings.
RECOMMENDED: That the proposals outlined in the report and raised by the Committee (summarised above) be agreed and implemented as part of the Member Induction Process for 2019.