Issue - meetings

Innovation Park Medway - Masterplan

Meeting: 19/03/2019 - Cabinet (Item 31)

31 Innovation Park Medway - Masterplan pdf icon PDF 167 KB

The report provides information on the consultation exercise undertaken on the Innovation Park Medway Masterplan and seeks approval to adopt the document for economic development and marketing purposes.


Due to their large size, Appendices 1 and 2 are separate documents.

Additional documents:


(Report of Chief Executive)


Further to Decision No D180052MEM, the report gave details of the consultation exercise undertaken on the Innovation Park Medway Masterplan promoted by Medway Council.  Approval was sought for the Borough Council to adopt the document for economic development and marketing purposes following which the two authorities would work collaboratively in bringing forward Local Development Order coverage for the site.


The Cabinet resolved that:


(1)             the Innovation Park Medway Illustrative Masterplan be adopted for economic development and marketing purposes, subject to Highways England confirming they are content with the masterplan; and


(2)             authority be delegated to the Chief Executive to address any minor issues raised by Highways England and approve minor changes to the masterplan prior to publication for the purpose of presentation or improving clarity.


Decision Notice D190032CAB