Issue - meetings

(A) TM/18/02206/FL and (B) TM/19/00614/RD - Development Site, South part of West Kent College, Brook Street, Tonbridge

Meeting: 30/05/2019 - Area 1 Planning Committee (Item 19)

19 (A) TM/18/02206/FL and (B) TM/19/00614/RD - Development Site, South part of West Kent College, Brook Street, Tonbridge pdf icon PDF 215 KB

Additional documents:


(A)          Demolition of existing buildings and development of 53 dwellings comprising: 10 x 1 bed and 23 x 2 bed apartments in a part 3/4 storey building and 12 x 3 bed and 8 x 4 bed houses in part 2.5/3 storey buildings along with associated vehicular and pedestrian access, car parking and landscaping; and

(B)          Details of condition 14 (travel plan) pursuant to planning permission TM/07/01286/FL (Proposed college master plan project consisting of the erection of new educational buildings, improved access arrangements and associated car parking, landscaping and ancillary development) at Development Site, South part of West Kent College, Brook Street, Tonbridge.




(1)          Application (A) TM/18/02206/FL be REFUSED for the following reason:


1. The proposed development, by virtue of the siting, scale, massing and height of Plots 3 – 8 combined with The Spinney, would result in an intrusive and dominant form of development when viewed from the neighbouring property, which would cause harm to the outlook and the residential amenities of the occupants.  The development is therefore contrary to policy CP24 of the Tonbridge and Malling Borough Core Strategy 2007 and the requirements contained at paragraphs 127(c and f) and 130 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2018.


(2)          Determination of Application (B) TM/19/00614/RD be DEFERRED.


[Speakers in respect of Application TM/18/02206/FL: Mr J van Staden, Mr N Rawlings, Mr T Plaine – members of the public; Ms D Huntingford on behalf of Tonbridge Civic Society; and Ms T Puttock – Applicant.

Speakers in respect of Application TM/19/00614/RD: Mr S Moon – Agent]