Issue - meetings

Waste Services Contract

Meeting: 11/06/2019 - Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board (Item 11)

11 Waste Services Contract pdf icon PDF 171 KB

This report updates Members on the new Waste Services Contract which started on 1st March 2019, with the new and improved recycling services due to commence from 30th September 2019.  The report also highlights the Government’s recently published new 25 year Resources & Waste Strategy.

Additional documents:


(Report of Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services)


The report provided an update on the new Waste Services Contract which had started on 1 March 2019.  The improved recycling services were due to commence from 30 September 2019 and it was anticipated that new arrangements for the bring bank service would start once these had settled in.    In addition, the Government’s recently published 25 year Resources and Waste Strategy was highlighted.


It was also considered appropriate to revisit the representation on the Member Group, which had been established to help oversee the implementation of the new waste contract.


Following consideration by the Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Street Scene and Environment Services resolved that:


(1)             the representation on the Member Waste Contract Group for 2019/20 be the Chairman (Councillor Mark Davis), Vice-Chairman (Councillor Sue Bell), the Cabinet Member (Councillor Robin Betts), Councillor Georgina Thomas, Councillor Roger Roud, Councillor Des Keers and Councillor Tim Shaw;


(2)             a report be submitted to a future meeting of the Advisory Board on the Bring Bank service arrangements; and


(3)             the Kent Resource Partnership’s response to the Government’s consultation on the National Waste Resources and Waste Strategy, summarised at paragraph 1.5 of the report, be noted and updates be reported to future meetings of the Advisory Board.



Decision Notice D190043MEM


The report provided an update on the new Waste Services Contract which had started on 1 March 2019.  The improved recycling services were due to commence from 30 September 2019 and it was anticipated that new arrangements for the bring bank service would start once these had settled in.    In addition, the Government’s recently published 25 year Resources and Waste Strategy was highlighted.


Following the Borough Council elections in May it was also considered appropriate to revisit the representation on the Member Group, which had been established to help oversee the implementation of the new waste contract.


It was reported that under the new contract recycling opportunities for residents would be greatly improved and the Borough Council was committed to recycling as much material as possible, including a variety of plastics.   The new contractor (Urbaser) was performing satisfactorily and Members welcomed the progress being made.


Particular reference was made to the opt-in garden waste service and initial registration to the ‘Early Bird Scheme’ had been very encouraging.  Based on early uptake, the Borough Council remained confident that the 30% target of all households in the Borough registering for the service could be achieved.




(1)             the representation on the Member Waste Contract Group for 2019/20 be the Chairman (Councillor Mark Davis), Vice-Chairman (Councillor Sue Bell), the Cabinet Member (Councillor Robin Betts), Councillor Georgina Thomas, Councillor Roger Roud, Councillor Des Keers and Councillor Tim Shaw;


(2)             a report be submitted to a future meeting of the Advisory Board on the Bring Bank service arrangements; and


(3)             the Kent Resource Partnership’s response to the Government’s consultation on the National Waste Resources and Waste Strategy, summarised at paragraph 1.5 of the report, be noted and updates be reported to future meetings of the Advisory Board