Issue - meetings

Review of Customer Service Surgeries

Meeting: 20/06/2019 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 16)

16 Review of Customer Service Surgeries pdf icon PDF 165 KB

This report sets out a review of the Customer Service Surgeries at Snodland, Larkfield and Borough Green and presents options for further consideration

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The report of the Director of Central Services and Deputy Chief Executive outlined a review of the Customer Service Surgeries at Borough Green, Larkfield and Snodland.  A number of options were set out for further consideration.


It was noted that the cost of operating the surgeries was high compared to the low number of weekly enquiries at each location.  It was also noted that there were many ways that customers could contact the Borough Council including on-line, telephone or face-to-face to a customer services representative at Kings Hill or Tonbridge Castle. 


Members recognised that the Borough Council continued to face significant financial pressures and had a commitment to identify potential areas of saving.  It was felt that the surgeries did not represent value for money given their low number of visitors.


However, the wider community benefits offered by these surgeries, especially for more vulnerable residents, was important.  It was indicated that if the Committee was minded to close the surgeries an Equality Impact Assessment could be undertaken to review how the more vulnerable residents would be affected.


RECOMMENDED:  That the closure of the Customer Service Surgeries in Borough Green, Larkfield and Snodland on the grounds of financial unsustainability due to the low footfall visiting each site be supported in principle, subject to an Equality Impact Assessment being undertaken and further evidence collected and reported to Cabinet.