32 TM/18/01240/FL - Woodford, Old Lane, Ightham PDF 192 KB
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Section 73 application for the variation of conditions 1 (time limited and personal condition), 2 (restore site when temporary consent expires) and 4 (number of caravans) pursuant to planning permission TM/11/01444/FL (Variation of conditions 1 and 2 on TM/07/01238/FL: Change of use for stationing of two caravans for residential use, fencing and sheds for occupation by a single gypsy family) at Woodford Old Lane, Ightham.
RESOLVED: That the application be DEFERRED to the next meeting of the Area 2 Planning Committee to enable the Director of Central Services and Monitoring Officer to submit an independent report on the possibility of costs if Members were minded to refuse the application.
[Speakers: Ightham Parish Council (Kirsty Mitcham); Leonard Sinclair, John Miles, Stuart Russell, and Ruth Simpson – Members of the public]