Issue - meetings

Adoption of a Digital Strategy and Overhaul of the Website

Meeting: 29/10/2019 - Council (Item 81)

81 IT Strategy and Digital Strategy Update pdf icon PDF 106 KB

Item CB 19/59 referred from Cabinet minutes of 16 October 2019

Additional documents:


Item CB 19/59 referred from Cabinet minutes of 16 October 2019.


RESOLVED:  That the recommendations at Minute CB 19/59 be approved.

Meeting: 16/10/2019 - Cabinet (Item 59)

59 IT Strategy and Digital Strategy Update pdf icon PDF 111 KB

Item FIP 19/22 referred from Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board minutes of 17 July 2019

Additional documents:


Item FIP 19/22 referred from Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board minutes of 17 July 2019


The Cabinet received the recommendations of the Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board at its meeting of 17 July 2019 regarding the adoption of a draft Digital Strategy and purchase of mobile working software.




(1)          the draft Digital Strategy 2019 – 2023 be adopted;


(2)          the decision taken in liaison with the Members indicated in the report to proceed with the purchase of mobile working software funded from the Invest to Save Reserve be noted;


(3)          the Council be recommended to update the Capital Plan to include the mobile working software;


(4)          the progress in respect of the website review be noted; and


(5)          the need for all Members to undertake cyber security training be noted.

*Referred to Council

Meeting: 17/07/2019 - Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board (Item 22)

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The Head of IT will give a presentation on digital transformation and some of the aspirations Members might wish to establish for our Borough, at the start of the meeting.


Subject to any amendments required, Members are asked to recommend the draft digital strategy to Cabinet which is still being finalised at the time of writing this report and will be circulated in advance of the meeting.


Members are asked to note the purchase of mobile working software from the Invest to Save Reserve, and recommend to Full Council that it be included in the Capital Plan.

Finally, the Advisory Board is asked to note the progress in respect of the website review and the need for all Members to undertake cyber security training.

Additional documents:


Further to Decision No D190001MEM, the Advisory Board received a presentation from the Head of IT on digital transformation together with some of the possible future aspirations to be established for the Borough.  Consideration was given to a draft Digital Strategy for 2019 – 2013. 


The report of the Director of Finance and Transformation gave details of the purchase of mobile working software following consultation with the Leader, Cabinet Member for Finance, Innovation and Property, Chairman of the Advisory Board and Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  It was noted that the cost of £23,000 could be funded from the Invest to Save Reserve and a capital plan evaluation was set out at Annex 1 to the report.


Finally, progress was reported on the website review including the establishment of the Member Working Group and details given of plans for all Members to undertake online cyber security training.


Considerable discussion ensued and officers responded to Members’ comments and questions.




(1)             the draft Digital Strategy 2019 – 2013 be adopted;


(2)             the decision taken in liaison with the Members indicated in the report to proceed with the purchase of mobile working software funded from the Invest to Save Reserve be noted;


(3)             the Council be recommended to update the Capital Plan to include the mobile working software;


(4)             the progress in respect of the website review be noted; and


(5)             the need for all Members to undertake cyber security training be noted.

*Referred to Cabinet