47 Tonbridge Farm Sportsground User Survey Results PDF 163 KB
The report gives details of the results of the 2019 user survey carried out at Tonbridge Farm Sportsground which show high levels of user satisfaction. Any actions to meet customer needs will be delivered through existing revenue budgets where possible and any additional funding required may be achievable through developer contributions or other external funding. There is therefore no anticipated impact on the Medium Term Financial Strategy.
(Report of Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services)
The report gave details of the results of the 2019 user survey carried out at Tonbridge Farm Sportsground which showed high levels of user satisfaction. It was noted that potential improvements to meet customer needs would be delivered through existing revenue budgets, developer contributions or other external funding.
Following consideration by the Communities and Housing Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Community Services resolved that:
(1) the 2019 casual user market survey results for Tonbridge Farm Sportsground be noted and reflected in the Site’s next 5 year Management Plan;
(2) an audit of the provision and location of seats, benches and picnic tables be undertaken;
(3) an Access Audit for people with disabilities be progressed; and
(4) potential improvements be progressed in accordance with the approach outlined in the report and reflected in the Site’s next 5 year Management Plan.
Decision Notice D190084MEM
The report of the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services gave details of the results of the 2019 user survey carried out at Tonbridge Farm Sportsground which showed high levels of user satisfaction. It was noted that potential improvements to meet customer needs would be delivered through existing revenue budgets, developer contributions or other external funding.
(1) the 2019 casual user market survey results for Tonbridge Farm Sportsground be noted and reflected in the Site’s next 5 year Management Plan;
(2) an audit of the provision and location of seats, benches and picnic tables be undertaken;
(3) an Access Audit for people with disabilities be progressed; and
(4) potential improvements be progressed in accordance with the approach outlined in the report and reflected in the Site’s next 5 year Management Plan.