The report asks Members to review the Risk Management Strategy and accompanying Risk Management Guidance and to recommend its adoption by the Council. It also provides an update on the risk management process and the Strategic Risk Register.
Additional documents:
The report of the Management Team invited the Committee to review the Risk Management Strategy and accompanying Risk Management Guidance which set out the Council’s risk management objectives and detailed roles and responsibilities of officers, Members and partners in the identification, evaluation and cost-effective control of risks. The report also provided an update on the risk management process and Strategic Risk Register.
Whilst it was noted that no new risks had been added to the Register since the last meeting in October, the entry in relation to the Waste Contract had been escalated to Red (high risk) following performance issues. Members were also advised that the entry in the Register regarding Financial position/Budget deficit had been updated in the light of receipt of the provisional finance settlement.
(1) the Risk Management Strategy and accompanying Risk Management Guidance set out at Annexes 1 and 2 to the report be commended to the Cabinet for adoption by the Council;
(2) the updates to the Strategic Risk Register since the last iteration be noted; and
(3) the escalation of the Waste Contract item to Red (high risk) be noted.