5 Local Lettings Policies PDF 241 KB
The report informs Members of the current approach to using Local Lettings Policies (LLPs) for affordable housing in partnership with Registered Providers, clarifies the use of such LLPs in the future and proposes a pro-forma document.
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(Report of Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health)
The report provided information on the current approach to using Local Lettings Policies (LLPs) for affordable housing in partnership with Registered Providers, clarified the use of such LLPs in the future and proposed a pro-forma document for adoption for all new housing developments in the Borough.
Following consideration by the Communities and Housing Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Housing resolved that:
(1) the current approach to using Local Lettings Policies be noted and the following priorities for using LLPs be agreed:
(a) local connection to the area in which the development is located using housing sub-market areas;
(b) an aim for 50% of lettings to be to economically active households; and
(2) the pro-forma Local Lettings Policy set out at Annex 1 to the report be approved subject to amendment of section C to clarify the definition of economically active households.
Decision Notice D200020MEM
The report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health provided information on the current approach to using Local Lettings Policies (LLPs) for affordable housing in partnership with Registered Providers, clarified the use of such LLPs in the future and proposed a pro-forma document for adoption for all new housing developments in the Borough.
(1) the current approach to using Local Lettings Policies be noted and the following priorities for using LLPs be agreed:
(a) local connection to the area in which the development is located using housing sub-market areas;
(b) an aim for 50% of lettings to be to economically active households; and
(2) the pro-forma Local Lettings Policy set out at Annex 1 to the report be approved subject to amendment of section C to clarify the definition of economically active households.