Issue - meetings

Community Safety Partnership Plan 2020/21

Meeting: 21/07/2020 - Communities and Housing Advisory Board (Item 19)

19 Community Safety Partnership Plan 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 126 KB

The Community Safety Partnership (CSP) is required to publish an annual plan of its work. This gives details of the initiatives it has carried out during the previous year and details of the priorities for the forthcoming year.

Additional documents:


(Report of Director of Central Services and Deputy Chief Executive)


Consideration was given to the published Community Safety Partnership (CSP) annual plan of work which provided details of the initiatives carried out during the previous year and of the priorities for the forthcoming year.


Following consideration by the Communities and Housing Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Community Services resolved that:


The Community Safety Partnership Plan 2020/21, as set out at Annex 1 to the report, be supported and endorsed.


Decision Notice D200047MEM


Consideration was given to the published Community Safety Partnership (CSP) annual plan of work which provided details of the initiatives carried out during the previous year and of the priorities for the forthcoming year.


RECOMMENDED:  That the Community Safety Partnership Plan 2020/21, as set out at Annex 1 to the report, be supported and endorsed.