Issue - meetings

Shopfront Improvements Scheme

Meeting: 02/09/2020 - Economic Regeneration Advisory Board (Item 5)

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Over the past 18 months, the Borough Council has been running various Shopfront Improvement Schemes to support our local businesses and help improve the look and feel of our town and local centres. This report provides an update on these schemes and sets out next steps.


(Report of Chief Executive)


The report provided an update on the two Shopfront Improvement Schemes operated by the Borough Council to support local businesses and improve the attractiveness of the Borough’s town and local retail centres.


Following consideration by the Economic Regeneration Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration resolved that:


(1)          an additional promotional exercise of the Local Centres and Parade Scheme be undertaken in October 2020 to encourage further take up of the Scheme; and


(2)          the proposal to close the Local Centres and Parades Scheme to new applications by 31 March 2021 be agreed. 


Decision Notice D200057MEM


The report of the Chief Executive provided an update on the two Shopfront Improvement Schemes operated by the Borough Council to support local businesses and improve the attractiveness of the Borough’s town and local retail centres.




(1)          an additional promotional exercise of the Local Centres and Parades Scheme be undertaken in October 2020 to encourage further take up of the Scheme; and


(2)          the proposal to close the Local Centres and Parades Scheme to new applications by 31 March 2021 be agreed.