76 Review of Community Safety PDF 222 KB
It was agreed at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 18 June 2020, that a further Final Report “Review of Community Safety and CCTV” should be referred back to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for further consideration, at its next meeting on 3 December 2020. It has been some time since this issue was first considered (as the Council focussed on the response to the pandemic), however the chronology and current outcomes are detailed in this report.
Additional documents:
(Joint report of Director of Central Services and Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services)
The report provided an update on the progress made since the review of community safety, including the provision of CCTV, was initially considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in 2019. A decision regarding the future level of CCTV operation had been deferred pending correspondence with the Police and Crime Commissioner and Clarion Housing regarding their level of financial contribution. The responses received were summarised in paragraphs 1.1.6 – 1.1.9 of the report.
The Cabinet resolved that:
(1) the responses received from the Police and Crime Commissioner and Clarion Housing be noted; and
(2) in light of the response of the Police and Crime Commissioner and Clarion Housing and the ongoing discussions with Kent Police (as set out in the report) this matter be referred back to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 3 December 2020 for further consideration.
Decision Notice D200074CAB
The report provided an update on the progress made since the review of community safety, including the provision of CCTV, was initially considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in 2019. A decision regarding the future level of CCTV operation had been deferred pending correspondence with the Police and Crime Commissioner and Clarion Housing regarding their level of financial contribution. The responses received were summarised in paragraphs 1.1.6 – 1.1.9 of the report.
Following a recent discussion with the Deputy Chief Constable, the Leader advised that Kent Police greatly valued the CCTV network/operation across the County. However, they recognised the difficult financial pressures faced by local authorities and as CCTV was the responsibility of district/borough councils Kent Police would not object to the cessation of live monitoring by Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council.
(1) the responses received from the Police and Crime Commissioner and Clarion Housing be noted; and
(2) in light of the response of the Police and Crime Commissioner and Clarion Housing and the ongoing discussions with Kent Police (as set out in the report) this matter be referred back to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 3 December 2020 for further consideration.
21 Review of Domestic Abuse Services PDF 140 KB
This report will provide an update to the previous scoping report. A number of speakers will attend the meeting to provide information about their services and how they support victims of domestic abuse. The paper will also consider best practice from around the country that could be implemented within Tonbridge & Malling and will also look to identify any additional sources of funding that might be available to support these projects.
Representatives from DAVSS (Domestic Abuse Volunteer Support Services), Kent Police and Clarion Housing have been invited to attend the meeting.
Additional documents:
The report of the Director of Central Services provided an update to the scoping report considered at a previous meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee; reviewed best practice nationally that could be implemented within Tonbridge and Malling and identified additional sources of funding that could be available to support these projects.
Representatives from Domestic Abuse Volunteer Support Services (DAVSS), Kent Police and Clarion Housing provided information about the services available and how victims of domestic abuse were supported.
A written report from Lookahead, who were commissioned by Kent County Council to provide services to high risk victims of domestic abuse in the borough, was attached for information at Annex 1.
Particular reference was made to the development of new initiatives, such as a Cyber Stalking Clinic run by Protection Against Stalking and Lookahead; the Dragonfly programme to identify victims isolated within communities and the Everyone’s Business Advice Line, run by the charity Hestia, that worked with employers to provide information, resources and practical guidance to employees.
It was reported that funding to tackle domestic abuse was limited and additional funding remained difficult to source. However, Government had announced a significant emergency fund to help support victims of domestic abuse and other issues during the coronavirus pandemic. Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council would continue to liaise with the services working within the Borough to ensure a cooperative approach in applying for funding.
Members listened to the information provided by the invited speakers with interest and expressed appreciation for the good work undertaken by these organisations. A number of points were discussed including charging decisions, financial pressures, definitions of domestic abuse, reciprocal transfers for housing tenants, societal barriers, removing stigma and victimology, cultural differences and the impact of enforced lockdown in the home due to the coronavirus pandemic. These points were addressed by the speakers and Members noted the responses.
RECOMMENDED: That the Safer and Stronger Communities Manager
(1) work with the domestic abuse organisations operating within Tonbridge and Malling to explore and develop options around the new initiatives proposed within the report (detailed at 1.3 and summarised above); and
(2) review the financial support offered to the Domestic Abuse Volunteer Support Services and recommend, if appropriate, a level of funding that could be provided by the Borough Council, subject to the views of Cabinet.
*Referred to Cabinet