Issue - meetings

Update of the Medium Term Financial Strategy, the Savings and Transformation Strategy and Business Rates Pool

Meeting: 14/10/2020 - Cabinet (Item 74)

74 Update of the Medium Term Financial Strategy, the Savings and Transformation Strategy and Business Rates Pool pdf icon PDF 349 KB

This report provides Members with an update to the Medium Term Financial Strategy and also the Savings and Transformation Strategy which sits alongside it.  In addition, the report considers the Council’s position regarding business rate pooling for 2021/22, and recommends that for 2021/22 the Council should not be part of the formal business rates pool having regard to the prevailing economic climate and budget risks.

Additional documents:


(Report of Director of Finance and Transformation)


The report provided Members with an update to the Medium Term Financial Strategy and the Savings and Transformation Strategy.  In addition, the Borough Council’s position regarding business rate pooling for 2021/22 was set out and it was recommended that the Borough Council should not be part of the formal business rates pool due to the prevailing economic climate and budget risks. 


The Cabinet resolved that:


(1)             the latest forecast of the Medium Term Financial Strategy and the funding gap of £875,000 (as set out in paragraph 1.2.10 of the report) be noted;


(2)             the need to deliver the savings/transformation contributions already included in the Medium Term Financial Strategy (as set out in paragraph 1.2.11 of the report) be noted;


(3)             the progress being made towards the ‘Essential Spend Only’ target of £500,000 in relation to 2020/21 and the first ongoing savings target of £100,000 (as set out in the table at paragraph 1.2.16 of the report) be noted;


(4)             the submission made in relation to the Comprehensive Spending Review (Annex 1) in liaison with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Innovation and Property (as set out in paragraph 1.2.18 of the report) be noted;


(5)             the updated version of the Savings and Transformation Strategy (Annex 2) prepared by the Management Team be endorsed; and


(6)             the view that Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council should not be part of the formal Kent Business Rates Pool in 2021/22 be endorsed and submitted to Government by 23 October 2020.


Decision Notice D200072CAB


The report of the Director of Finance and Transformation provided Members with an update to the Medium Term Financial Strategy and the Savings and Transformation Strategy.  In addition, the Borough Council’s position regarding business rate pooling for 2021/22 was set out and it was recommended that the Borough Council should not be part of the formal business rates pool due to the prevailing economic climate and budget risks. 


The Director of Finance and Transformation emphasised the challenging financial position faced by the Borough Council and advised that a figure of £1.37M had to be found and delivered within the next four years (by 2024).


In addition, the Cabinet Member for Finance, Innovation and Property advised that this represented a 10% reduction in overall spending and was a significant challenge for the organisation.  However, it was the responsibility of Members to identify areas of savings in collaboration with officers.




(1)             the latest forecast of the Medium Term Financial Strategy and the funding gap of £875,000 (as set out in paragraph 1.2.10 of the report) be noted;


(2)             the need to deliver the savings/transformation contributions already included in the Medium Term Financial Strategy (as set out in paragraph 1.2.11 of the report) be noted;


(3)             the progress being made towards the ‘Essential Spend Only’ target of £500,000 in relation to 2020/21 and the first ongoing savings target of £100,000 (as set out in the table at paragraph 1.2.16 of the report) be noted;


(4)             the submission made in relation to the Comprehensive Spending Review (Annex 1) in liaison with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Innovation and Property (as set out in paragraph 1.2.18 of the report) be noted;


(5)             the updated version of the Savings and Transformation Strategy (Annex 2) prepared by the Management Team be endorsed; and


(6)             the view that Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council should not be part of the formal Kent Business Rates Pool in 2021/22 be endorsed and submitted to Government by 23 October 2020.