Issue - meetings

Review of Cemetery Charges 2021/22

Meeting: 11/02/2021 - Cabinet (Item 27)

27 Review of Cemetery Charges 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 98 KB

Item CH 20/27 referred from Communities and Housing Advisory Board of 10 November 2020.

Additional documents:


Consideration of recommendations (CH 20/27) to the Cabinet from the meeting of the Communities and Housing Advisory Board of 10 November 2020.


The Cabinet resolved that:


(1)          the Overview and Scrutiny Committee undertake a broad strategic review of the charges applied at Tonbridge Cemetery.



Decision Notice D210021CAB


Consideration was given to the recommendations from the meeting of the Communities and Housing Advisory Board of 10 November 2020 (as set out at Minute Number CH 20/27).


RESOLVED: That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee undertake a broad strategic review of the charges applied at Tonbridge Cemetery.


Meeting: 10/11/2020 - Communities and Housing Advisory Board (Item 27)

27 Review of Cemetery Charges 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 218 KB

This report outlines charging proposals for 2021/22 in regard to Tonbridge Cemetery.  It is anticipated that these proposals will generate additional net income of approximately £700.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the joint report of the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services and the Director of Finance and Transformation setting out charging proposals for 2021/22 regarding Tonbridge Cemetery.  Details of the proposed charges were set out at Annex 2 to the report.  A comparison with other Kent district councils’ charges was provided and it was anticipated that the proposals would generate additional net income of approximately £700. 


A number of Members expressed concern that the low level of income in comparison to expenditure meant that Tonbridge Cemetery was, effectively, being subsidised and suggested that a strategic and comprehensive review of the charges should be undertaken. It was hoped that, as the facility became more self-sustained, the burden on the general tax-payer could be reduced in the longer term.  


RECOMMENDED:  That Cabinet be asked to consider whether the Overview and Scrutiny Committee should undertake a broad, strategic review of the charges applied at Tonbridge Cemetery.

*Referred to Cabinet