Issue - meetings

Update on Disabled Facilities Grant Budget and Spend

Meeting: 10/11/2020 - Communities and Housing Advisory Board (Item 29)

29 Update on Disabled Facilities Grant Budget and Spend pdf icon PDF 217 KB

This report gives an update on spend against the 2020/21 Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) budget and advises how changes on distribution of this money are being built into the Estimates process.

Additional documents:


(Report of Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health)


The report gave an update on spend against the 2020/21 Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) budget and advised how changes in distribution of this money were being built into the Estimates process to provide a degree of certainty regarding funding for the approved social care capital projects in the current financial year as well as an option to fund hospital discharge/handypersons costs in 2021/22.


Following consideration by the Communities and Housing Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Housing resolved that:


(1)  the following revisions, which are being incorporated into the 2020/21 Revised Estimates and 2021/22 Estimates due to be presented during the forthcoming budget cycle, be noted:


1.    the amendment of the 2020/21 capital plan provision for mandatory DFGs to £900,000;


2.    the use of £89,000 to fund the hospital discharge/handypersons costs for the current financial year 2020/21;


3.    the use of £16,000 to fund the One You Your Home scheme for the current financial year 2020/21;


4.    the use of £90,000 of underspend this year to enable the funding of hospital discharge/handypersons costs in 2021/22;


5.    the allocation of £77,400 from this year into the 2021/22 mandatory DFG budget to provide a buffer for an unknown allocation from central Government moving forwards; and


(2)  the removal of £125,000 of Council funding for DFGs in 2020/21 during the update of the Capital Plan be noted and viewed as an in-year saving.




Decision Notice D200080MEM


The report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health gave an update on spend against the 2020/21 Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) budget and advised how changes in distribution of this money were being built into the Estimates process to provide a degree of certainty regarding funding for the approved social care capital projects in the current financial year as well as an option to fund hospital discharge/handypersons costs in 2021/22.




(1)          the following revisions, which are being incorporated into the 2020/21 Revised Estimates and 2021/22 Estimates due to be presented during the forthcoming budget cycle, be noted:


1.    the amendment of the 2020/21 capital plan provision for mandatory DFGs to £900,000;


2.    the use of £89,000 to fund the hospital discharge/handypersons costs for the current financial year 2020/21;


3.    the use of £16,000 to fund the One You Your Home scheme for the current financial year 2020/21;


4.    the use of £90,000 of underspend this year to enable the funding of hospital discharge/handypersons costs in 2021/22;


5.    the allocation of £77,400 from this year into the 2021/22 mandatory DFG budget to provide a buffer for an unknown allocation from central Government moving forwards; and


(2)          the removal of £125,000 of Council funding for DFGs in 2020/21 during the update of the Capital Plan be noted and viewed as an in-year saving.