Issue - meetings

New Local Development Scheme

Meeting: 04/07/2023 - Cabinet (Item 62)

62 New Local Development Scheme pdf icon PDF 9 KB

Recommendation HP 23/11 of the Housing and Planning Scrutiny Select Committee of 7 June 2023

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to recommendation HP 23/11 of the Housing and Planning Scrutiny Select Committee of 7 June 2023.


Members attention was drawn to the further detail on the assumptions around the Local Development Scheme (LDS) timetable, the evidence base studies and costs set out in the supplementary report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health.  Particular reference was made to revised proposals in respect of the Green Belt Study which recommended that more detailed work be undertaken and that options for a ‘strategic gap’ be explored.  It was anticipated that this further work could cost in the region of an additional £15,000.  However, it was noted that all cost assumptions set out in Annex 3 were informed estimates at this stage.


On the grounds that the Green Belt Study was a crucial piece of evidence which influenced other key policy decisions relating to the Local Plan,  Councillor Taylor proposed, seconded by Councillor Boughton  that the study be commissioned as soon as possible to realistically meet the timeframes set out in the LDS and that the recommendations of the Housing and Planning Scrutiny Select Committee be amended.




(1)             the commissioning the extended scope of local plan Green Belt evidence and associated costs that were not anticipated at the time of the HPSSC recommendation be approved;


(2)             the new Local Development Scheme  be approved and the implications on timing of the above decision and the uncertainties regarding the outcome of the government’s planning reforms be noted; and


(3)             the additional budget requirements of the local plan and the need for further financial provision in future budget setting process be noted.


(Decision Notice D230057CAB)


Consideration was given to recommendation HP 23/11 of the Housing and Planning Scrutiny Select Committee of 7 June 2023.


Members attention was drawn to the further detail on the assumptions around the Local Development Scheme (LDS) timetable, the evidence base studies and costs set out in the supplementary report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health.  Particular reference was made to revised proposals in respect of the Green Belt Study which recommended that more detailed work be undertaken and that options for a ‘strategic gap’ be explored.  It was anticipated that this further work could cost in the region of an additional £15,000.  However, it was noted that all cost assumptions set out in Annex 3 were informed estimates at this stage.


The Cabinet Member for Planning was aware of concerns regarding the green belt and anticipated that a more detailed study would be beneficial in retaining flexibility.  The increased budgetary pressures as a result of a more detailed study were also noted.


On the grounds that the Green Belt Study was a crucial piece of evidence which influenced other key policy decisions relating to the Local Plan,  Councillor Taylor proposed, seconded by Councillor Boughton  that the study be commissioned as soon as possible to realistically meet the timeframes set out in the LDS and that the recommendations of the Housing and Planning Scrutiny Select Committee be amended.




(1)             the commissioning the extended scope of local plan Green Belt evidence and associated costs that were not anticipated at the time of the HPSSC recommendation be approved;


(2)             the new Local Development Scheme  be approved and the implications on timing of the above decision and the uncertainties regarding the outcome of the government’s planning reforms be noted; and


(3)             the additional budget requirements of the local plan and the need for further financial provision in future budget setting process be noted.

Meeting: 07/06/2023 - Housing and Planning Scrutiny Select Committee (Item 11)

11 New Local Development Scheme pdf icon PDF 163 KB

This report sets out the new Local Development Scheme timetable for the preparation of the Local Plan and the associated budgets and costs of this work and it seeks recommendations of approval to the Cabinet for both.

Additional documents:


The report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health set out the new Local Development Scheme (LDS) timetable for the preparation of the Local Plan to enable the deadlines to be met once the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill was enacted and recommendation was sought from Members on the timetable and the associated budgets and costs of this work.


Members had regard to the key dates set out in the new LDS timetable, next stages in the preparation of the Local Plan, the legal implications and the financial and value for money consideration detailed in the report.  Identified risks and issues and recommendations for mitigation were listed in Annex 2 and a full cost breakdown was set out in Annex 3.  In respect of the proposed one-off injection of £330,000 to the reserve, it was noted that the majority of the additional spend related to the new requirement to produce borough-wide design codes which was not previously budgeted for.


Clarity was sought around the inclusion of the additional 57 identified sites as part of the Regulation 18 consultation and potential changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), with particular reference made to the Green Belt and housing targets.  In response Members were advised that these additional sites would be treated in the same way as the other sites identified through the previous Call for Sites exercise and all the sites would be considered as a whole set during the second round of the Regulation 18B consultation.  Members were further advised that there was potential for the housing delivery target to be set not directly by the Objectively Assessed Needs and potential for a different approach to Green Belt boundaries subject to proposed changes to the NPPF being adopted.


Positive political engagement and collaboration between Officers and Members throughout the Local Plan process was regarded key in securing its successful adoption and Members were assured that Officers were monitoring and managing progress closely with ongoing reassurance support from Audit.




(1)        the new Local Development Scheme and timetable, as set out at Annex 1, be adopted; and


(2)        the additional budget requirements of the Local Plan and the need for further financial provision in future budget setting process be noted.


* Referred to Cabinet