Issue - meetings

Fixed Penalty Notices - Littering & Fly Tipping Offences

Meeting: 07/02/2024 - Communities and Environment Scrutiny Select Committee (Item 5)

5 Fixed Penalty Notices - Littering & Fly Tipping Offences pdf icon PDF 320 KB

This report sets out proposed Fixed Penalty Notice levels for littering and fly tipping for this Committee to consider and make recommendations to Cabinet.


(Report of Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services)


The report proposed Fixed Penalty Notice levels for littering and fly tipping for consideration.  In July 2023, as part of its Anti-Social Behaviour Action Plan, the UK Government laid down a Statutory Instrument to increase the levels of Fixed Penalty Notices for littering and fly tipping and guidance confirmed that the fees should be set at an appropriate level to reflect local circumstances, including local ability to pay.  The Council’s current level of fees was set at the previous maximum amounts as set by Government. 


Consideration was given to the options outlined in the report and it was noted that if two levels of Fixed Penalty Notice charges for littering were created, this would ensure that the maximum deterrent was available to the Council whilst retaining the ability to take into account the severity of the offence, impact on the environment and the relative cost to the taxpayer of clearing up the litter/fly tip.  Furthermore, two levels of Fixed Penalty Notices for littering offences would also ensure that the consequences were proportionate to the offence, as per the Council’s Corporate Enforcement Policy.


Following consideration by the Communities and Environment Scrutiny Select Committee, the Cabinet Member for Transformation and Infrastructure resolved that:


(1)     two levels of Fixed Penalty Notice charges for littering be introduced and that the one level of charges for fly tipping be retained, with an increase in charges as set out in Option 4 at 1.4.4 of the report.


(Decision Notice D240016MEM)


In July 2023, as part of its Anti-Social Behaviour Action Plan, the UK Government laid down a Statutory Instrument to increase the levels of Fixed Penalty Notices for littering and fly tipping and guidance confirmed that the fees should be set at an appropriate level to reflect local circumstances, including local ability to pay.  The Council’s current level of fees was set at the previous maximum amounts as set by Government. 


Consideration was given to the options outlined in the report for Fixed Penalty Notice levels for littering and fly tipping.  It was noted that if two levels of Fixed Penalty Notice charges for littering were created, this would ensure that the maximum deterrent was available to the Council whilst retaining the ability to take into account the severity of the offence, impact on the environment and the relative cost to the taxpayer of clearing up the litter/fly tip.  Furthermore, two levels of Fixed Penalty Notices for littering offences would also ensure that the consequences were proportionate to the offence, as per the Council’s Corporate Enforcement Policy.


RECOMMENDED*: That two levels of Fixed Penalty Notice charges for littering be introduced and that the one level of charges for fly tipping be retained, with an increase in charges as set out in Option 4 at 1.4.4 of the report.


*Recommended to Cabinet