Issue - meetings

Corporate Strategy Action Plan

Meeting: 04/06/2024 - Cabinet (Item 71)

71 Corporate Strategy Action Plan pdf icon PDF 222 KB

This report provides a high-level update on progress made in delivering the Council’s priority actions in the Corporate Strategy Action Plan 2023/24, and seeks approval for the Corporate Strategy Action Plan 2024/25

Additional documents:


The report of the Interim Chief Executive provided an update on the progress being made in delivering the priority actions set out in the Corporate Strategy Action Plan 2023/24 (attached at Annex 1)  and presented an Action Plan for 2024/25 (attached at Annex 2) for approval.


The Corporate Strategy Action Plan demonstrated how the Borough Council aimed to deliver on its key priorities as set out in the Corporate Strategy 2023-27.  To avoid any reputational risk if the Borough Council failed to deliver the actions identified it was important that the Plan was regularly monitored to ensure progress was being made. Regular updates would be provided setting out progress on the Action Plan 2024/25 if it was approved.


Despite a number of positive steps being undertaken in 2023/24, as detailed in 1.3.1 of the report, the majority of actions remained ongoing and these would appear in the Action Plan for 2024/25.  Additional actions which had increased priority over the course of the past year had also been identified for the new Plan.  These were detailed in 1.4.1 of the report and included improvements to the procurement function, implementation of Biodiversity Net Gain and Green Infrastructure Strategies.




(1)             the report be noted and the Corporate Strategy Action 2023/23 (attached at Annex 1) be noted; and


(2)             the Corporate Strategy Action Plan 2024/25 (attached at Annex 2) be approved.



(Decision Notice: D240063CAB)


The report of the Interim Chief Executive provided an update on the progress being made in delivering the priority actions set out in the Corporate Strategy Action Plan 2023/24 (attached at Annex 1)  and presented an Action Plan for 2024/25 (attached at Annex 2) for approval.


The Corporate Strategy Action Plan demonstrated how the Borough Council aimed to deliver on its key priorities as set out in the Corporate Strategy 2023-27.  To avoid any reputational risk if the Borough Council failed to deliver the actions identified it was important that the Plan was regularly monitored to ensure progress was being made. Regular updates would be provided setting out progress on the Action Plan 2024/25 if it was approved.


Despite a number of positive steps being undertaken in 2023/24, as detailed in 1.3.1 of the report, the majority of actions remained ongoing and these would appear in the Action Plan for 2024/25.  Additional actions which had increased priority over the course of the past year had also been identified for the new Plan.  These were detailed in 1.4.1 of the report and included improvements to the procurement function, implementation of Biodiversity Net Gain and Green Infrastructure Strategies.


Cabinet recorded appreciation to officers for the significant amount of work undertaken over the year and for the success in securing the Decarbonisation Grants




(1)             the report be noted and the Corporate Strategy Action 2023/24 (attached at Annex 1) be noted; and


(2)             the Corporate Strategy Action Plan 2024/25 (attached at Annex 2) be approved.