Larkfield Leisure Centre Solar PV Tender
(Reasons Private: LGA 1972 - Sch 12A Paragraph 3 - Financial or business affairs of any particular person)
The report summarises the tender process for the installation of solar PV at Larkfield Leisure Centre using grant funding and requests Cabinet approve the award of contract.
(Reasons: Part 2 – Private: LGA 1972 Sch 12A Paragraph 3 – Financial or business affairs of any particular person)
Following the Borough Council’s successful application for external grant funding through the Governments Swimming Pool Support Fund, the report of the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services and the Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Regeneration and Property summarised the tender process for the installation of solar PV at Larkfield Leisure Centre and sought approval to award the contract.
Cabinet had due regard to the tender evaluation, the financial and value for money considerations, the legal implications and risk assessment detailed in the report and welcomed the potential significant impact on reducing emissions in support of the Council’s target of being carbon neutral by 2030 and protecting the natural environment through onsite generation of electricity.
(1) the contract to install solar PV at Larkfield Leisure Centre be awarded to Convert Energy
(Decision Notice D250003CAB)
(Reasons: Part 2 – Private: LGA 1972 Sch 12A Paragraph 3 – Financial or business affairs of any particular person)
Following the Borough Council’s successful application for external grant funding through the Governments Swimming Pool Support Fund, the report of the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services and the Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Regeneration and Property summarised the tender process for the installation of solar PV at Larkfield Leisure Centre and sought approval to award the contract.
Cabinet had due regard to the tender evaluation, the financial and value for money considerations, the legal implications and risk assessment detailed in the report and welcomed the potential significant impact on reducing emissions in support of the Council’s target of being carbon neutral by 2030 and protecting the natural environment through onsite generation of electricity.
It was also confirmed that a fire rated board was being installed on the flat roof areas as part of the re-felting work currently being undertaken and that the installation of the solar panels would significantly increase the amount of on-site electricity generation.
RESOLVED: That the contract to install solar PV at Larkfield Leisure Centre be awarded to Convert Energy