Tonbridge Castle Gatehouse - Roof Repair Tender
(Reasons: Part 2 - Private: LGA 1972 - Sch 12A Paragraph 3 - Financial or business affairs of any particular person)
The report sets out the tenders received for roof repair work at Tonbridge Castle Gatehouse and requests Cabinet approve the award of contract.
(Reasons: LGA 1972 – Sch 12A Paragraph 3 – Financial or business affairs of any particular person)
Following a formal tender and evaluation process, the report provided details of the tenders received for the roof repair work at Tonbridge Castle Gatehouse and recommended an award of the contract.
Cabinet had due regard to the evaluation, the risk assessment, financial and value for money considerations and the legal implications and noted that the cost of the works, fees and contingency fell within the overall project budget.
RESOLVED: That the contract to undertake the roof repair works at Tonbridge Castle Gatehouse be awarded to Traditional Stone Restoration.
(Reasons: LGA 1972 – Sch 12A Paragraph 3 – Financial or business affairs of any particular person)
(Decision Notice D240111CAB)
Following a formal tender and evaluation process, the report provided details of the tenders received for the roof repair work at Tonbridge Castle Gatehouse and recommended an award of the contract.
Cabinet had due regard to the evaluation, the risk assessment, financial and value for money considerations and the legal implications and noted that the cost of the works, fees and contingency fell within the overall project budget.
RESOLVED: That the contract to undertake the roof repair works at Tonbridge Castle Gatehouse be awarded to Traditional Stone Restoration.