Issue - meetings

TM/24/00806/PA - Smith and Sons Builders Yard, 4 Orchard Drive, Tonbridge

Meeting: 05/09/2024 - Area 1 Planning Committee (Item 10)

10 TM/24/00806/PA - Smith and Sons Builders Yard, 4 Orchard Drive, Tonbridge pdf icon PDF 429 KB

Redevelopment of the builders yard and residential garden land associated with no.4 Orchard Drive to provide 3no. residential dwellings, including associated amenity, parking, landscaping, and other associated works

Additional documents:


Redevelopment of the builders yard and residential garden land associated with no.4 Orchard Drive to provide 3 no. residential dwellings, including associated amenity, parking, landscaping, and other associated works.


Due regard was given to the determining issues detailed in the report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health. 


There was detailed discussion regarding the proximity of a number of houses to the proposed development.  A proposal to refuse planning permission on the grounds of potential overbearing of the development on neighbouring properties on Croft Close due to the proposed height and extent of development adjacent to the boundary was lost following a formal vote.


RESOLVED: That planning permission be GRANTED in accordance with the submitted details, conditions, reasons and informatives set out in the report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environment Health subject to:


(1) delegated authority to the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health to form the wording of an additional condition requiring the Applicant to submit details to and seek approval from the Local Planning Authority in respect of the slab levels of the proposed dwellings. 


[Speakers: Ms E Thompson (on behalf of Ms S Briggs, a member of the public); and Mr Gregg Filmer (on behalf of the applicant)]