Issue - meetings


Meeting: 10/12/2024 - Cabinet (Item 130)

130 Tree Protocol Update pdf icon PDF 120 KB

Consideration of recommendation HP 24/43 of the Housing and Planning Scrutiny Select Committee of 3 December 2024 in respect of Tree Preservation Orders.


The recommendation will be circulated to Members in advance of the meeting of Cabinet.


Additional documents:


Consideration was given to recommendation HP 24/43 of the Housing and Planning Scrutiny Select Committee of 3 December 2024 in respect of options to address the backlog in dealing with Tree Preservation Order (TPO) requests.


Cabinet had due regard to the views of the Scrutiny Select Committee, the financial and value for money considerations and the legal implications.  Whilst supportive of the recommendation to engage an external consultant (as detailed in Option A) Cabinet were mindful that an estimated one-off cost of £29,000 funding had yet to be identified. 


On the grounds of reducing the backlog and providing an effective and efficient service, Cllr Boughton proposed, seconded by Cllr Tanner that the estimated cost of £29,000 be built into the forward estimates for 2025/26 as a one-off cost.




(1)             a consultant be sought to work on reducing the backlog of Tree Preservation Order requests (Option A), as detailed in 5.3 – 5.7 of the report; and


(2)             the estimated cost of £29,000 be built into the forward estimates for 2025/26 as a one-off cost.


(Decision Notice D240136CAB)


Consideration was given to recommendation HP 24/43 of the Housing and Planning Scrutiny Select Committee of 3 December 2024 in respect of options to address the backlog in dealing with Tree Preservation Order (TPO) requests.


Cabinet had due regard to the views of the Scrutiny Select Committee, the financial and value for money considerations and the legal implications.  Whilst supportive of the recommendation to engage an external consultant (as detailed in Option A) Cabinet were mindful that an estimated one-off cost of £29,000 funding had yet to be identified. 


On the grounds of reducing the backlog and providing an effective and efficient service, Cllr Boughton proposed, seconded by Cllr Tanner that the estimated cost of £29,000 be built into the forward estimates for 2025/26 as a one-off cost.




(1)             a consultant be sought to work on reducing the backlog of Tree Preservation Order requests (Option A), as detailed in 5.3 – 5.7 of the report; and


(2)             the estimated cost of £29,000 be built into the forward estimates for 2025/26 as a one-off cost.

Meeting: 03/12/2024 - Housing and Planning Scrutiny Select Committee (Item 43)

43 Tree Protocol Update pdf icon PDF 169 KB

This report provides an update on how the service is dealing with the backlog of Tree Preservation Order requests following the adoption of the Tree Preservation Order Protocol as agreed by Cabinet and following the request by HPSSC for a six-monthly update of progress for reducing the backlog in a timely manner and what further measures or amendments could be implemented if the backlog was not being reduced. It proposes a number of options for members to consider.


Following the adoption of the Tree Preservation Order Protocol and the Enforcement Tree Protocol in May 2024, Members had expressed concern that the measures proposed to address an existing backlog of Tree Preservation Order (TPO) requests were insufficient to make a significant improvement within a reasonable timeframe.


As the Borough Council did not have current capacity to clear the backlog of requests in a timely manner, three options were presented for consideration.  These were detailed in paragraph 5 of the report and included:


·       seeking a consultant to work on the backlog of requests

·       continue to attempt to reduce the backlog within existing resource

·       await the outcome of a wider review of case work and capacity.  


Members recognised that one of the proposed options would require a funding stream to be identified as there was no budget provision available.  It had been estimated that a one-off cost of approximately £29,000 would be required to clear the back-log.


Due regard was given to the Borough Council’s financial position and the potential impact on the Medium-Term Financial Strategy.   Members also recognised that this needed to be balanced with providing an effective service and on the grounds of reducing the backlog Cllr King proposed that a consultant be sought to work on the backlog of TPO requests (detailed in Option A).   This was seconded by Cllr Roud and supported by the Committee.


Whilst recommending the use of an external consultant to address the backlog, Members felt it was important to identify and understand  the ongoing and future demand and capacity within the Service.  Concern was also expressed that the existing backlog was delaying the protection of other trees.




(1)             a consultant be sought to work on reducing the backlog of Tree Preservation Order requests (Option A), as detailed in 5.3 – 5.7 of the report; and


(2)             the approximate one-off cost for Option A of £29,000 and the need to identify a funding stream be noted.



*Recommended to Cabinet