Proposed Lease of Residential Apartments in Tonbridge for use as Temporary Accommodation
(Reason: Private: LGA 1972 - Sch 12A Paragraph 3 - Financial or business affairs of any particular person)
Consideration of recommendation HP 24/51 of the Housing and Planning Scrutiny Select of 3 December 2024 in respect of opportunity to lease residential apartments in Tonbridge for use as temporary accommodation.
The recommendation will be circulated to Members in advance of the meeting of Cabinet.
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to recommendation HP 24/53 of the Housing and Planning Scrutiny Select Committee of 3 December 2024 in respect of a proposed lease of residential apartments for use as temporary accommodation in Tonbridge.
Cabinet had due regard to the views of the Scrutiny Select Committee, the financial and value for money considerations and the legal implications. The details of the terms of the lease and costs assumed in the financial modelling set out in 5.5 and 7.3 of the report to the Scrutiny Select Committee were also noted.
On the grounds that the ongoing costs associated with providing temporary accommodation was one of the Borough Council’s most challenging financial issues, the Cabinet supported the recommendation.
(1) the terms of the lease for 19 residential apartments in the High Street, Tonbridge to serve as temporary accommodation, as set out in the report, be approved; and
(2) the one-off setup costs and tax liability to be funded from an appropriate budget to be identified in liaison with Finance Services be agreed.
(Reasons: Private – LGA 1972 Sch12A Paragraph 3 – Financial or business affairs of any particular person)
(Decision Notice D240137CAB)
Consideration was given to recommendation HP 24/53 of the Housing and Planning Scrutiny Select Committee of 3 December 2024 in respect of a proposed lease of residential apartments for use as temporary accommodation in Tonbridge.
Cabinet had due regard to the views of the Scrutiny Select Committee, the financial and value for money considerations and the legal implications. The details of the terms of the lease and costs assumed in the financial modelling set out in 5.5 and 7.3 of the report to the Scrutiny Select Committee were also noted.
On the grounds that the ongoing costs associated with providing temporary accommodation was one of the Borough Council’s most challenging financial issues, the Cabinet supported the recommendation.
With regard to a request to pursue an ‘option to buy’ clause as part of the lease arrangement the freeholder had indicated an unwillingness to progress this course of action.
(1) the terms of the lease for 19 residential apartments in the High Street, Tonbridge to serve as temporary accommodation, as set out in the report, be approved; and
(2) the one-off setup costs and tax liability to be funded from an appropriate budget to be identified in liaison with Finance Services be agreed.
Proposed Lease of Residential Apartments in Tonbridge for use as Temporary Accommodation
(Reason: Private: LGA 1972 - Sch 12A Paragraph 3 - Financial or business affairs of any particular person)
The report sets out a proposal to lease property in Tonbridge to serve as temporary accommodation, in line with the Council’s adopted Housing Strategy.
Additional documents:
(Reasons: Private – LGA 1972 Sch12A Paragraph 3 – Financial or business affairs of any particular person)
Consideration was given to the proposal to lease a total of 19 residential apartments in the High Street, Tonbridge to serve as temporary accommodation in line with the Borough Council’s adopted Housing Strategy.
Details of the terms of the lease and costs assumed in the financial modelling were set out in 5.5 and 7.3 of the report.
On the grounds that the ongoing costs associated with providing temporary accommodation was one of the Borough Council’s most challenging financial issues, the Committee supported the proposal. However, during the discussion Members asked that an ‘option to buy’ clause be tested with the freeholder.
(1) the terms of the lease for 19 residential apartments in the High Street, Tonbridge to serve as temporary accommodation, as set out in the report, be approved; and
(2) the one-off setup costs and tax liability to be funded from an appropriate budget to be identified in liaison with Finance Services be agreed.
*Recommended to Cabinet