Issue - meetings

21/00881/OA - MOD Land South of Discovery Drive, Kings Hill, West Malling

Meeting: 12/12/2024 - Area 2 Planning Committee (Item 49)

49 TM/21/00881/OA - MOD Land South of Discovery Drive, Kings Hill, West Malling pdf icon PDF 866 KB

Outline Application: Development of up to 65 dwellings (all matters reserved other than access)

Additional documents:


Outline Application: Development of up to 65 dwellings (all matters reserved other than access).


Due regard was given to the determining issues and conditions as detailed in the report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health, with particular attention given to the concerns raised by the public speakers and due consideration given to the Borough Council’s latest housing land supply position and the fact that the proposed development was within a designated allocated site (known as ‘f – Kings Hill’) as defined in Policy H1 of the Development Land Allocations DPD (April 2008).  In addition, clarification was sought in respect of provision within the developer contributions, as part of the Section 106 agreement, towards the NHS Integrated Care Board.


It was proposed by Councillor K Tanner, seconded by Councillor C Brown that the application be refused on grounds relating to the size and means of access, impact on the adjacent Ancient Woodland and impact on the character and appearance of the area and visual amenity of the locality.  In order to seek legal advice and on the grounds of maintaining legal professional privilege, the Committee agreed to move into Part 2 to consider exempt information in private before returning to Part 1 to resume the meeting in public.  Following a formal vote, this motion was defeated.


RESOLVED:  That planning permission be GRANTED subject to:


(1)          the applicant entering into a legal agreement in respect of:


·         40% affordable housing

·         Off-site open space provision

·         Education provision, community facilities and services (Kent County Council Economic Development)

·         Off-Site BNG and monitoring


(2)          the submitted details, conditions, reasons and informatives set out in the report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health; and


(3)          authority being delegated to the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health to further investigate and establish the provision within the developer contributions towards the NHS Integrated Care Board, as part of the Section 106 agreement.


[Speakers: Cllr A Petty (on behalf of Kings Hill Parish Council), Mr I Farrington, Mr M Jones, Mrs W Rush, Mr N Hartnup, Mr N Hart, Mr K Murphy, Ms K Bell, Mr F McLymont, Ms J Timon, Mr D Rush, (Name withheld), (Name withheld), Mrs K Cockrill, Mr P Cockrill (members of the public) and Mr D Pope (on behalf of the Applicant) addressed the Committee in person.]

Meeting: 04/12/2024 - Area 2 Planning Committee (Item 41)

41 TM/21/00881/OA - MOD Land South of Discovery Drive, Kings Hill, West Malling **Withdrawn from this agenda** pdf icon PDF 866 KB

**Withdrawn from this agenda and deferred until 12 December 2024**


Outline Application: Development of up to 65 dwellings (all matters reserved other than access)

Additional documents:


The Committee were advised that this item had been withdrawn from the agenda and deferred to the extraordinary meeting of the Committee on 12 December 2024.