5 TM/23/03241 - Development site West of Winterfield Lane, East Malling PDF 304 KB
S73 Application to vary planning condition 11 (Access plans) to TM/19/01814/OA Outline Application: Erection of up to 250 new homes (40% affordable), new community building, provision of a new country park and other areas of public open spaces, areas of play, upgrade of existing footpaths, together with new vehicular access onto London Road and associated parking and landscaping
Additional documents:
S73 Application to vary planning condition 11 (Access plans) to TM/19/01814/OA Outline Application: Erection of up to 250 new homes (40% affordable), new community building, provision of a new country park and other areas of public open spaces, areas of play, upgrade of existing footpaths, together with new vehicular access onto London Road and associated parking and landscaping.
Due regard was given to the determining issues and conditions as detailed in the report of the Director of Planning, Housing, and Environmental Health with particular attention given to the concerns raised by the public speakers and due consideration given to the retaining and bank options contained in the report.
Members expressed concern in respect of the copse where trees were subject to a woodland Tree Preservation Order (TPO), the design of the cycle/footway and how this would be used, the impact on local character and the landscaping of the area.
RESOLVED: That the application be DEFERRED to allow for further discussion on suitable alternative options to mitigate any impact on the copse which was subject to a woodland Tree Preservation Order.
[Speakers: Cllr K O’Shea (on behalf of Leybourne Parish Council), Mr N Fowler (member of the public) and Mr P Dadswell (on behalf of the applicant) addressed the Committee in person].