Issue - meetings

Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2025/26

Meeting: 18/02/2025 - Council (Item 13)

13 Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2025/26 pdf icon PDF 3 KB

Due to the timescales and print deadlines, the recommendations of the meeting of Cabinet held on 11 February 2025 will be circulated to Members in advance of the meeting of Council.

Additional documents:


Item CB 25/14 referred from Cabinet of 11 February 2025.  It was proposed by Cllr Boughton and seconded by Cllr Tanner that the recommendation of Cabinet be approved.


RESOLVED:  That the draft Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2025/26 (attached as Annex 1) be approved.


Meeting: 11/02/2025 - Cabinet (Item 14)

14 Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2025/26 pdf icon PDF 129 KB

A report providing the proposed Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council Working Age Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2025/26, requesting Cabinet Members to approve and recommend the updated Scheme to Full Council.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the Draft Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2025/26 (attached at Annex 1 to the report) which had been revised to bring it in line with statutory prescribed requirements from Government national benefit rates.  The scheme had also been uplifted in line with new rates of National Living Wage (NLW), where NLW was used as a factor in calculating income discount bands.  


Members noted that for pension age households the separate Government Scheme prescribed maximum help to 100% of council tax liability, a minimum requirement of a pension age scheme.


*RECOMMENDED: That the draft Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2025/26 (attached at Annex 1) be commended to Council for adoption.


*Recommended to Council