21 MHCLG Consultation: Local Authority Funding Reform - Objectives and Principles PDF 324 KB
The report provides details in respect of the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) recently published consultation paper ‘’Local Authority Funding Reform: Objectives and Principles”, which was seeking views on the approach to local authority funding reform through the local government finance settlement from 2026/27.
The deadline for responses is 12 February 2025 and the Borough Council’s draft response is to follow and will be circulated in advance of the meeting of Cabinet.
Additional documents:
Careful consideration was given to the proposed responses to the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government consultation paper ‘Local Authority Funding Reform: Objectives and Principle’ which sought views on the approach to local authority funding reform through the local government finance settlement from 2026/27. The consultation also covered both Business Rate Retention, the cessation of New Homes Bonus and Sales, Fees and Charges reform.
Cabinet had due regard to the financial and value for money considerations and legal implications and recognised that the Council had not faired favourably on previous assessments of need and following the consultation in 2018, had anticipated a reduction in government funding within its Medium Term Financial Strategy.
RESOLVED: That the draft response to the Local Authority Funding Reform: Objectives and Principles’ consultation, be endorsed and that the response be submitted by the deadline of 12 February 2025.
(Decision Notice D250011CAB)
Careful consideration was given to the proposed responses to the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government consultation paper ‘Local Authority Funding Reform: Objectives and Principle’ which sought views on the approach to local authority funding reform through the local government finance settlement from 2026/27. The consultation also covered both Business Rate Retention, the cessation of New Homes Bonus and Sales, Fees and Charges reform.
Cabinet had due regard to the financial and value for money considerations and legal implications and recognised that the Council had not faired favourably on previous assessments of need and following the consultation in 2018, had anticipated a reduction in government funding within its Medium Term Financial Strategy.
RESOLVED: That the draft response to the Local Authority Funding Reform: Objectives and Principles’ consultation, be endorsed and that the response be submitted by the deadline of 12 February 2025.