Issue - meetings

Appointment of Independant Person

Meeting: 18/02/2025 - Council (Item 15)

15 Appointment of Independent Person pdf icon PDF 137 KB

This report asks Members to appoint a second Independent Person under the Localism Act 2011


The report of the Monitoring Officer recommended the appointment of a second Independent Person under the Localism Act 2011.


Applicants for the post were interviewed by a Panel comprising the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Joint Standards Committee and the Group Leaders on 9 January 2025.  Details of the applicant to whom the Panel propose to offer the position were set out in the report.


In order to create resilience in the Independent Person role, alongside the current incumbent Mr David Mercier, and to uphold high standards of conduct, Cllr Bell proposed that Mr Paul Cummins be appointed as an Independent Person for a five-year period expiring on 17 February 2030.  This was seconded by Cllr Davis and supported by the Council.


RESOLVED:  That Mr Paul Cummins be appointed as an Independent Person under s28 of the Localism Act 2011 for a five year term expiring on 17 February 2030.