29 UK Shared Prosperity Fund 2025/26 PDF 180 KB
Following an announcement by Government in December 2024, this report sets out proposals for the allocation of UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) for 2025/26.
Due regard will also be given to views of the Finance and Regeneration Scrutiny Select Committee of 25 February 2025.
Consideration was given to proposals for the allocation of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) for 2025/26 as detailed in Table 1 at 5.4 of the report.
The programme took a balanced approach, aimed to deliver under each of the three UKSPF priorities, allocated funding towards strategic priorities and delivered considerable tangible benefits to communities.
Particular reference was made to the Rural England Prosperity Fund which had helped to support rural communities and businesses. Whilst the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) had recently announced further funding for 2025/26, there was uncertainty around the amount to be received. It was proposed that when the Rural England Prosperity Funding became available it be used for further rounds of the West Kent Rural Grant Scheme.
Cabinet had due regard to the views of the Finance, Regeneration and Property Scrutiny Select Committee, the financial and value for money considerations and noted that there should be minimal delays in progressing the programme at the start of the financial year.
Cllr Coffin proposed, seconded by Cllr Betts and Cabinet
(1) the proposed UKSPF Programme for 2025/26, as set out in Table 1 be approved;
(2) delegated authority be given to the Strategic Economic Regeneration Manager, in liaison with the Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Regeneration and Property, to make minor amendments to the programme that might be needed in the event of project underspend; and
(3) the use of any additional Rural England Prosperity Fund for 2025/26 (allocation amount to be confirmed) for further rounds of the West Kent Rural Grants Scheme be approved.
(Decision Notice: D250016CAB)
Consideration was given to proposals for the allocation of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) for 2025/26 as detailed in Table 1 at 5.4 of the report.
The programme took a balanced approach, aimed to deliver under each of the three UKSPF priorities, allocated funding towards strategic priorities and delivered considerable tangible benefits to communities.
Particular reference was made to the Rural England Prosperity Fund which had helped to support rural communities and businesses. Whilst the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) had recently announced further funding for 2025/26, there was uncertainty around the amount to be received. It was proposed that when the Rural England Prosperity Funding became available it be used for further rounds of the West Kent Rural Grant Scheme.
Cabinet had due regard to the views of the Finance, Regeneration and Property Scrutiny Select Committee, the financial and value for money considerations and noted that there should be minimal delays in progressing the programme at the start of the financial year.
Cllr Coffin proposed, seconded by Cllr Betts and Cabinet
(1) the proposed UKSPF Programme for 2025/26, as set out in Table 1 be approved;
(2) delegated authority be given to the Strategic Economic Regeneration Manager, in liaison with the Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Regeneration and Property, to make minor amendments to the programme that might be needed in the event of project underspend; and
(3) the use of any additional Rural England Prosperity Fund for 2025/26 (allocation amount to be confirmed) for further rounds of the West Kent Rural Grants Scheme be approved.
5 UK Shared Prosperity Fund 2025/26 PDF 182 KB
Following an announcement by Government in December 2024, this report sets out proposals for the allocation of UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) for 2025/26.
Following an announcement by Government in December 2024, the report of the Chief Executive and Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Regeneration and Property set out proposals for the allocation of UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) for 2025/26.
Based on a total budget of £327,146, a proposal for a programme of activity in 2025/26 was outlined in Table 1 at 5.4 of the report. It aimed to take a balanced approach, aspiring to deliver under each of the three UKSPF priorities, whilst at the same time allocating funding towards the authority’s own strategic priorities, such as Tonbridge Town Centre regeneration and Carbon Descent plans and delivering considerable tangible benefits to communities.
A background to each of the proposed projects in the programme was provided in 5.5 of the report. It was also noted that there were limited financial and value for money implications for the Borough Council as the proposal related to external funding. However, the use of UKSPF funding to support corporate priorities had a positive impact on Borough Council budgets.
Members attention was drawn to the Rural England Prosperity Fund which had helped to support rural communities and businesses. At the current time the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) had not made any announcement on whether there would be another allocation of grant funding for 2025/26. However, it was proposed that if Rural England Prosperity Funding became available that it be used for further rounds of the West Kent Rural Grant Scheme.
Reference was made to the Riverside Walk Lighting Scheme plans and Members were advised that whilst s106 developer contributions would be used to fund the project, an allocation of UKSPF funding would strengthen the available funding. It was also indicated that alternative funding streams would be explored for projects once the UKSPF funding stopped.
Finally, it was indicated that due to high demand consideration was being given to purchasing a second thermal imaging camera for leasing to residents using the Climate Change reserve.
(1) the proposed UKSPF Programme for 2025/26, as set out in Table 1, be commended to Cabinet for approval;
(2) Cabinet approve delegated authority be given to the Strategic Economic Regeneration Manager, in liaison with the Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Regeneration and Property, to make minor amendments to the programme that may be needed in the event of project underspend; and
(3) the use of any additional Rural England Prosperity Fund for 2025/26 (to be confirmed) for further rounds of the West Kent Rural Grants scheme be commended to Cabinet for approval.
*Recommended to Cabinet