Issue - meetings

Applications for Discretionary Rate Relief

Meeting: 14/05/2014 - Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board (Item 23)

Applications for Discretionary Rate Relief


(Joint report of Director of Finance and Transformation and Cabinet Member for Finance, Innovation and Property)


Details were given of new applications for discretionary rate relief which were considered in accordance with the previously agreed criteria for determining such applications.  The particular circumstances relating to the Charity Bank application were explained in as far as the loss of charitable status, as recognised by the Charity Commission, was caused by a technicality relating to the treatment of capital.  However, the Bank’s aims and objectives remained of a charitable nature.


Following consideration by the Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Finance, Innovation and Property resolved that:

The new applications for discretionary rate relief be determined as follows:

1)              Roselands Pre-school, Higham School Road, Tonbridge – 20% discretionary relief be awarded time limited to 31 March 2015;

2)              Healthy Planet Foundation, Unit 5, Burnt Ash Road, Quarry Wood Industrial Estate, Aylesford – no discretionary relief be awarded;

3)              The Charity Bank Ltd, 194 High Street, Tonbridge – 80% discretionary relief be awarded time limited to 31 March 2015.



Decision Notice D140052MEM


Details were given of new applications for discretionary rate relief which were considered in accordance with the previously agreed criteria for determining such applications.  The particular circumstances relating to the Charity Bank application were explained in as far as the loss of charitable status, as recognised by the Charity Commission, was caused by a technicality relating to the treatment of capital.  However, the Bank’s aims and objectives remained of a charitable nature.


RECOMMENDED:  That the new applications for discretionary rate relief be determined as follows:


(1)    Roselands Pre-school, Higham School Road, Tonbridge – 20% discretionary relief be awarded time limited to 31 March 2015;

(2)    Healthy Planet Foundation, Unit 5, Burnt Ash Road, Quarry Wood Industrial Estate, Aylesford – no discretionary relief be awarded;

(3)    The Charity Bank Ltd, 194 High Street, Tonbridge – 80% discretionary relief be awarded time limited to 31 March 2015.