Issue - meetings

Proposed Building Control Shared Service

Meeting: 23/07/2014 - Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board (Item 43)

43 Proposed Building Control Shared Service pdf icon PDF 68 KB

Additional documents:


(Joint report of Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health and Director of Finance and Transformation)


Reference was made to Decision No D140069MEM approving in principle the establishment of a shared service arrangement with Sevenoaks District Council as the preferred option for future delivery of Building Control Services.  The report gave an update on work undertaken on the further development of the proposals, providing a business case and dealing with financial matters.  It was noted that the proposed arrangement reflected the Council’s transformation agenda and would deliver a number of benefits which were outlined in the report.


Following consideration by the Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Finance, Innovation and Property resolved that:


1)         the establishment of a shared Building Control Service, with the Administration base at Sevenoaks District Council, be approved and authority be delegated to the Director of Finance and Transformation and Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health to determine the detailed financial and service arrangements respectively;


2)         on conclusion of (1) above, the Council enter into a Memorandum of Understanding to include the matters summarised at paragraph 1.5.1 of the report to the satisfaction of the Director of Central Services; and


3)         a sum of £10,000 from the ‘invest to save’ reserve be allocated to support the initial implementation costs of the new shared service.


Decision Notice D140089MEM


Reference was made to Decision No D140069MEM approving in principle the establishment of a shared service arrangement with Sevenoaks District Council as the preferred option for future delivery of Building Control Services.  The joint report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health and Director of Finance and Transformation gave an update on work undertaken on the further development of the proposals, providing a business case and dealing with financial matters.  It was noted that the proposed arrangement reflected the Council’s transformation agenda and would deliver a number of benefits which were outlined in the report.




(1)       the establishment of a shared Building Control Service, with the Administration base at Sevenoaks District Council, be approved and authority be delegated to the Director of Finance and Transformation and Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health to determine the detailed financial and service arrangements respectively;


(2)       on conclusion of (1) above, the Council enter into a Memorandum of Understanding to include the matters summarised at paragraph 1.5.1 of the report to the satisfaction of the Director of Central Services; and


(3)       a sum of £10,000 from the ‘invest to save’ reserve be allocated to support the initial implementation costs of the new shared service.