Issue - meetings

Kent Savers

Meeting: 23/09/2014 - Communities and Health Advisory Board (Item 20)

20 Kent Savers Credit Union pdf icon PDF 51 KB

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(Report of Management Team)


Consideration was given to awarding Kent Savers an unconditional grant of £10,000 to enable the organisation to offer support and loans to those in need within the Borough.  It was noted that the unconditional grant could be funded from the Welfare Reform Reserve.


The report made particular reference to State Aid Regulations and set out the various options available to the Borough Council.


Members supported the proposal in principle but considered that the residents of Tonbridge and Malling should be the main focus and priority of the Borough Council and it was difficult to see the benefits for local people.  In addition, further clarity was sought on the legal position regarding subordinated loans and unconditional grants. 


Following consideration by the Communities and Health Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Communities, Health and Community Safety resolved that a decision regarding financial support be deferred until the next meeting of the Advisory Board to enable further investigation into the following issues:


-        The possibility of seeking a grant condition regarding promotion within Tonbridge and Malling;

-        Further information on how the residents of Tonbridge and Malling would benefit;

-        Consideration as to whether consultation with local churches would be beneficial; and

-        Further clarity surrounding the legal position











Consideration was given to the report of Management Team on awarding Kent Savers an unconditional grant of £10,000 to enable the organisation to offer support and loans to those in need within the Borough.  It was noted that the unconditional grant could be funded from the Welfare Reform Reserve.


The report made particular reference to State Aid Regulations and set out the various options available to the Borough Council.


Members supported the proposal in principle but considered that more information from Kent Savers was needed regarding the current ‘take up’ by residents of the Borough and the future benefits to those residents.   In addition, further clarity was sought on the legal position regarding subordinated loans and unconditional grants. 


In response to a question about promotion of the service within the Borough, Members noted that some Kent Districts had previously provided specific revenue funding to Kent Savers in order for targeted campaigns and ‘outlets’ to be progressed in their areas.  Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council had not previously provided revenue funding for more targeted work.


Members expressed the view that if, in due course, a grant were to be awarded consideration should be given to seeking an understanding from Kent Savers that a targeted promotional campaign within Tonbridge and Malling would be undertaken.


RECOMMENDED:  That a decision regarding financial support be deferred until the next meeting of the Advisory Board to enable further investigation with Kent Savers into the following issues:


(1)         further information on how the residents of Tonbridge and Malling would benefit;


(2)         consideration as to whether consultation with local churches would be beneficial; and


(3)         further clarity surrounding the legal position