Issue - meetings

Community Enhancement Fund - Deferred Bids

Meeting: 08/10/2014 - Communities and Health Advisory Board (Item 23)

23 Community Enhancement Fund - Deferred Bids pdf icon PDF 33 KB

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(Report of Chief Executive)


Reference was made to the deferral of payment of funds to applicants who had failed to provide evidence of match funding in support of their project (Decision No D140106MEM (2)).  Details were given of the bids which fell into that category together with the outcome of a request to applicants for further information on any financial contribution they were able to make. A supplementary schedule containing supporting information, including some revised bids, was circulated.


Following consideration by the Communities and Health Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Communities, Health and Community Safety and the Cabinet Member for Finance, Innovation and Property resolved that the bids set out in the supplementary Annex to the report be supported.


Decision Notice D140116MEM


The report of the Chief Executive referred to the deferral of payment of funds to applicants who had failed to provide evidence of match funding in support of their project (Decision No D140106MEM (2)).  Details were given of the bids which fell into that category together with the outcome of a request to applicants for further information on any financial contribution they were able to make. A supplementary schedule containing supporting information, including some revised bids, was circulated.


RECOMMENDED:  That the bids set out in the supplementary Annex to the report be supported.