Issue - meetings

Update on the Work of the East Malling Partnership

Meeting: 17/11/2014 - Communities and Health Advisory Board (Item 32)

32 Update on the Work of the East Malling Partnership pdf icon PDF 31 KB

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(Report of Chief Executive)


Progress was reported in relation to the work of the East Malling Partnership and consideration given to the latest East Malling Action Plan, the key themes of which were Youth Provision, Raising Aspirations and General Health and Lifestyle.


Following consideration by the Communities and Health Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Communities, Health and Community Safety resolved that the current East Malling Partnership Action Plan, as set out at the Annex to the report, be endorsed and progress on the Action Plan be reported to a future meeting of the Advisory Board.




Decision Notice D140130MEM


The report of the Chief Executive gave details of progress in relation to the work of the East Malling Partnership and consideration was given to the latest East Malling Action Plan, the key themes of which were Youth Provision, Raising Aspirations and General Health and Lifestyle.


RECOMMENDED:  That the current East Malling Partnership Action Plan, as set out at the Annex to the report, be endorsed and progress on the Action Plan be reported to a future meeting of the Advisory Board.