Issue - meetings

Flooding Review

Meeting: 18/11/2014 - Planning and Transportation Advisory Board (Item 34)

34 Flooding Review pdf icon PDF 35 KB

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(Report of Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health)


The report provided an update on progress made on flood recovery within the Borough following the events over the Christmas/New Year period.    Proposed measures to provide increased protection for local residents and businesses for the future were set out, with particular reference made to the partnership approach on the Leigh Flood Storage Area and the associated funding arrangements. 


Following consideration by the Planning and Transportation Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation resolved that:


(1)    the position set out in the report, including a contribution of £100k from the Flood Recovery and Defence reserve towards an assessment of the options and the delivery of an outline design for the Leigh Flood Storage Area scheme, be noted and endorsed; and


(2)   Officers continue to liaise closely with the Environment Agency and put forward a clear representation of the Borough Council’s wish to pursue the most robust solutions in the case of all the proposed flood mitigation works.


Decision Notice D140135MEM


The report provided an update on progress made on flood recovery within the Borough following the events over the Christmas/New Year period.    Proposed measures to provide increased protection for local residents and businesses for the future were set out, with particular reference made to the partnership approach on the Leigh Flood Storage Area and the associated funding arrangements. 


Members expressed concern that the flood improvement measures would not be in place this winter and sought reassurance that the temporary solutions and contingency planning would be adequate in the event of a flood.   In response, the Environment Agency’s (EA) commitment, at the highest possible level, to provide flood protection for Tonbridge and the surrounding area was reiterated.  Officers were working closely with the EA on contingency planning but recognised the concerns of Members and residents.  However, as the EA was the statutory body with overall responsibility the Borough Council recognised their expertise in dealing with flood improvement measures.




(1)    the position set out in the report, including a contribution of £100k from the Flood Recovery and Defence reserve towards an assessment of the options and the delivery of an outline design for the Leigh Flood Storage Area scheme, be noted and endorsed; and


(2)   Officers continue to liaise closely with the Environment Agency and put forward a clear representation of the Borough Council’s wish to pursue the most robust solutions in the case of all the proposed flood mitigation works.